NY City Psychiatrist Tells Woke Yale University She Fantasizes About Fatally Shooting White People

I think we should give each and every black person in this country $100k as reparations and see what they do with that opportunity.

I worked at Sears Warehouse and Repair Center during college and asked one day to take a truck over to this black apt community and meet the police. The detectives were there and needed a truck to haul away stolen credit card purchased merchandise. Detective Lively said they had, I forget like a dozen cards and they bought all sorts of gawdiness. That would probably consume 20% of your wonderment.
Follow AOC’s lead and buy Teslas and rent luxury apartments?
I followed her lead and tried to send her grannie money to fix her roof in Puerto Rico. After me a several thousand people sent her grannie over $100k suddendley grannie didn't need any money and AOC asked that all of the donations be returned. That bitch is a ****ing hippocrite.
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The primary issue I work towards understanding and trying to find a solution is school funding. The primary way of funding schools in the US is through property taxes. This gives poorer communities little ability to affect change and improve the situation for their students.
Remove the incentives to get a govt check for having a kid and equalize the divorce courts or family court systems to where more men are able to have custody and you do a lot to control the problem... even in the white community.

The property tax nonsense is a red herring.
As for the conversation part, we must be willing to sit down with those who feel they are disenfranchised and earnestly listen to the why and how. Not with the intention of replying or responding or changing or even agreeing but with a desire to understand where they are coming from.
That's female logic. WTF are we going to talk about something if we are not going to end up with a solution? So the objective is to just hear people whine and moan and then feel good about ourselves afterwards?
I think we should give each and every black person in this country $100k as reparations and see what they do with that opportunity.
Laugh and joke, but since we are printing money out of thin air anyways, I got a better solution. Only open up the this option to blacks 25 years old or younger: $100k, 20 acres or 20 years of no income taxes.
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I think we should give each and every black person in this country $100k as reparations and see what they do with that opportunity.

I agree. I will open a Rent-A-Wheel/ Pawn Shop/ Liquor store on every MLK Blvd. in every metro area. I will rent/ lease the wheels on the hooptie. Give them pennies on the dollar when they are stolen and brought into the pawn shop, and then sell them what ever hooch they want with the dough they received from the wheels.

Bottom line is, a vast majority will be broke within a few years and will demand another handout.
I unequivocally disagree with her desire to do harm, but I understand where she is coming from in her frustration with the lack of conversation.

Any attempts to engage in discussion about laws, practices, or rules that may create an unlevel playing field with those who benefit from them is almost immediately shut down or met with derision. There are several here, displayed in thousands of posts, who refuse to believe there could even be a possibility of a systemic unlevel playing field.
That's because the dialogue is most frequently built upon feels. The arguments typically begin to fall apart and or devolve once facts are brought to the discussion. There are issues but they are not the "needle movers".
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Anybody else have to choke back the desire to shoot psychiatrists of middle eastern descent?
When you’re constantly bombarded by anti-white propaganda stuff like this happens. Worst of all, black on white violence is at epidemic levels.

I wish she had been aware of her surroundings and ran away. Fat ass dude would have had a coronary in 30 seconds. What's he working on, 70% body fat? Jesus.
I think we should give each and every black person in this country $100k as reparations and see what they do with that opportunity.

Chappelle's show aired a skit in 2004, with reparations as the subject. It was gold.
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The primary issue I work towards understanding and trying to find a solution is school funding. The primary way of funding schools in the US is through property taxes. This gives poorer communities little ability to affect change and improve the situation for their students.

As for the conversation part, we must be willing to sit down with those who feel they are disenfranchised and earnestly listen to the why and how. Not with the intention of replying or responding or changing or even agreeing but with a desire to understand where they are coming from.
I agree inner city schools are a problem but it’s not a funding issue. Also, if inner city schools are a problem, why did the left fight “no child left behind” so hard?

The problem is multi fold. Education is one. Lack of family structure is another, but that’s not so easy for gov to fix, and any mention of it brings cries of racism.

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