I will not defend Bush, I did not agree with much of what he did as president. You on the other hand are as bad as the lunatic right wingers. You choose to believe insane left wing conspiracy theories that take witness statements out of context, not to mention observations and statements that were made while people were in shock and struggling to comprehend the unimaginable acts they were thrust into by Muslim extremists.
You would be correct in your assertions that this was the first time 3 buildings had been brought down by fire, at least three buildings of this magnitude. You also forgot to mention that it was also the first time planes full of aviation fuel had also struck buildings like these. The conspiracy theories have been refuted by the best structural engineers and experts in the field.
I love to debate issues, both with those I agree as well as those I don't. Your beliefs are yours and you're entitled to them. I find it very hard to listen to this crap though, especially when real science and experts have presented the truth, you need to realize you're being blinded by your hate for Bush. I do not like Obama much at all, this is a known fact, yet I do not believe in the "birther" movement because there is no real evidence to support it.
What I am getting at is you're blinded so much by your hate for one man that you will believe almost anything negative about him. Whether you realize this or not that is a very dangerous thing, both for you and this nation.
Just my two cents here.