Obama bows again

Ill agree that my hate for him may skew my view of certain things. You know it would have been nice if he wouldn't have waited over 400 days to order a full blown out investigation of the 911 crimes. again another fail by him. I guess the thing that just frustrates me so much is that he was never called out on these things other than the press.We were in a time where because of the war on terror it wasn't considered PC to Really question this man's decisions. Obama's has gotten second guessed more in 6 months than bush did in his whole first term. Maybe it's because obamas changing domestic policies and not foreign policies either way i feel like he should have to answer for some of the bad decisions he made especially katrina and the weapons of mass destruction. He wasn't a king, he was an elected official whose salary was paid by us. I want some accountability. I do respect your opinion by the way.

To the first part in bold- this isn't true in any sense, he was second guessed from day one. After that open season on Bush was declared by the left and the media was complicit.

At best Bush can be held accountable in two ways on Katrina.1) The federal government was unprepared to deal with the amount of people that needed to be rescued. 2) For believing the inept and often times corrupt government in New Orleans was capable in any way of evacuating and taking care of it's people.

I would also put blame on the idiots that stayed despite being warned the storm was the perfect combination of circumstances to develop a surge that would overtake the city. Many either chose to stay or had no way out because the local government did not utilize the resources available to get them out.

After the many failures at the local level the federal government was caught even more off guard by the sheer number of people needing immediate assistance.

Faulty intelligence was the reason war on Iraq was even possible. Maybe Bush and others at high level positions were not convinced they possessed these weapons at the time they went to war, I simply don't know. The simple fact is there was at least some believable intel (at that time anyway) that led the Bush administration and many others to believe Sadaam had stockpiles. If the goal is to make sure we never go into war based on faulty intelligence then I am all for it. So far the investigations into the matter are less about fixing the problem and more about going after Bush, the wrong approach IMO.
Yeah because it was such a small little thunderstorm that the city should have gotten all the tree limbs up. GET A GRIP. the federal government should take over when something of that magnitude happens. Or at the very least do more to support the local government.and when i mean do more when your dealing with the Louisiana idiots JUST TAKE OVER

Haley Barbor of MS did not wait on Bush, he lead his state in this crisis. I can guarantee you if it ever happens again to Louisiana Jindal will act and not wait on any federal help
You know i was really excited when obama became president and the more time that passes i have to admit i am losing a little bit of faith in his ability to do what he said he was going to to.

With that being said i am so happy to have obama because for the last 8 long years my president was the biggest idiot in the world. A lying,stupid dictator that was the devil in the flesh. Everything about him was wrong. He didn't care about the American people. His response to 911 and hurricane Katrina were unacceptable. I HATE GEORGE BUSH. He is the reason were in this mess. Make no mistakes about it Obama didn't get America into this hole were in. He looked so stupid every time he spoke. I love to show hardcore republicans the you tube videos of him looking and sounding so stupid during interviews or debates. Whats great about that is no matter how republican they are they can't help but to laugh and agree that he is an idiot.

The way his regime used terror alerts to try to scare us and try to convince us that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. You want to invade Iraq because Saddam was a threat or because of the way he treated his country. FINE. get a coalition together and do it. Don't lie to us though. All those people that died because he was so slow to respond to Katrina makes me sick. I know of a lot of people that live in new york that think that 911 was planned by his regime to. They say that fireman and policeman that were on sight said they heard bombs going off inside the buildings. And that never in history has a building built like the ones that fell in 911 had ever fallen because of fire but yet 3 did that day. yea you read it right 3. Their was another tower that fell and when you watch it fall it looks just like a demolition. Wouldn't surprise me one bit their was a conspiracy.When he got re-elected it was the only time that i was embarrassed to be an American. I mean how could our public re-elect this lying piece of crap.And i don't think McCain would have been any different. I have a feeling that one day after were all gone our great great grandchildren will find out more and more lies and conspiracy's that his regime were apart of.Don't wish death upon anybody but i can't wait till he croaks and can take his rightful place in hell.

I'll take obama and his spending habits over bush anyday.

I bet you got a thrill up your leg when Bush was re-elected for a second term
We did not fight a war over bowing.

we fought a war ensuring that no one person because of birth, not democratic vote, would rule our country. i don't want obama bowing to anyone. queen of england, barry bonds, ANYONE. he IS the premiere leader in the world and it's time he starts acting like it and stops apologizing and acting like we owe any of these ******* any explanation for anything.
we fought a war ensuring that no one person because of birth, not democratic vote, would rule our country. i don't want obama bowing to anyone. queen of england, barry bonds, ANYONE. he IS the premiere leader in the world and it's time he starts acting like it and stops apologizing and acting like we owe any of these ******* any explanation for anything.

I understand what you are saying and agree to an extent. You are correct that the US is the leader of the free world. Our government is accountable to the people of the United States directly. The leader of the free world has to be responsible in his actions, if not he loses credibility with other freedom loving nations.

I agree that Obama has taken the apology technique a too far but it would be equally bad to say we don't owe anyone else an explanation for anything.
I have a aunt who has been mentally retarded since birth.

Thats cool LV, couldn't expect much different from you. Stay classy bro.:hi:

I am sorry about that and perhaps it was a bad way to put it.

I'll just say that your post was irrational and your argument unfounded and leave it at that.

Lawgator is the worst poster on this site.

I oftentimes wear that as a badge of honor, depending on who is doing the rating.

he's saying that the federal government simply can't do. It's not hard. Forget the level of the catastrophe, the feds are not capable of doing anything efficiently, save provide defense.

I agree with this as to dealing with the after effects of Katrina, anyway. I think the feds, Bush, and FEMA got way too much criticisim for this. There just wasn't a ton that they could do.

Now, I'd like to think that since then there's been some more immediate response training and resources put in place for another one, but obv that's 20/20 hindsight.
dumb... simply dumb.


we fought a war ensuring that no one person because of birth, not democratic vote, would rule our country. i don't want obama bowing to anyone. queen of england, barry bonds, ANYONE. he IS the premiere leader in the world and it's time he starts acting like it and stops apologizing and acting like we owe any of these ******* any explanation for anything.

Romantic view, but we have never fought a war for those principles.
What I was suggesting -- you're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith..." --in an interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos, who jumped in to correct Obama by saying "your Christian faith," which Obama quickly clarified
"Let me be absolutely clear. Israel is a strong friend of Israel's. It will be a strong friend of Israel's under a McCain...administration. It will be a strong friend of Israel's under an Obama administration. So that policy is not going to change." --Amman, Jordan, July 22, 2008

glad he can tell us that Israel is not emo
Ha ha ha


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i heard yesterday morning that japanese newspapers did not want to even print the pics of hussein and the bow because they did not want the rest of the world to see their strongest ally showing weakness.

crap and you know it. Why don't you lie to everyone like your favorite former president.
bowing is weak. what do you think of your boy Obama wanting to get out of Afghan, even tho during his campaign he said that taking the war to Afghan was his #1 priority.
bowing is weak. what do you think of your boy Obama wanting to get out of Afghan, even tho during his campaign he said that taking the war to Afghan was his #1 priority.

Bowing (also called stooping) is the act of lowering the torso and head as a social gesture in direction to another person or symbol. It is most prominent in Asian cultures but it is also typical of nobility and aristocracy in many countries and distinctively in Europe. Sometimes the gesture may be limited to lowering the head. It is especially prominent in China, Korea, India, and Japan where it may be executed standing or kneeling.


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bowing is weak. what do you think of your boy Obama wanting to get out of Afghan, even tho during his campaign he said that taking the war to Afghan was his #1 priority.

Physical intimacy is sensual proximity and/or touching.[1] It can be enjoyed by itself and/or be an expression of feelings (such as close friendship, love, and/or sexual attraction) which people have for one another. Examples of physical intimacy include being inside someone's personal space, holding hands, hugging, kissing, caressing, and sexual activity.


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Bowing (also called stooping) is the act of lowering the torso and head as a social gesture in direction to another person or symbol. It is most prominent in Asian cultures but it is also typical of nobility and aristocracy in many countries and distinctively in Europe. Sometimes the gesture may be limited to lowering the head. It is especially prominent in China, Korea, India, and Japan where it may be executed standing or kneeling.

Oh, now he's lowered himself to the act of stooping?

President Richard Nixon bows to Japanese Emperor Hirohito in 1971. (Courtesy Life Magazine)


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Screw you, you liberal nut. I did hear that on a radio station in Nashville. My favorite former president is no longer with us.

Gee wonder what nashville republican Anti democrat station that was. You know my girlfriend is a republican and she refuses to listen to that station because she said they're all CRAZY
Gee wonder what nashville republican Anti democrat station that was. You know my girlfriend is a republican and she refuses to listen to that station because she said they're all CRAZY

I could not really care less, you have probably brain washed her with you nutty liberal, socialist crap. Its funny you can't deny the story, just bash the messenger

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