Obama: "If you got a business, you didn't build that!"

The key thing is that Obama is angry, and he’s talking not in his normal voice but in a “black dialect.” This strikes at the core of Obama’s entire political identity: a soft-spoken, reasonable African-American with a Kansas accent. From the moment he stepped onto the national stage, Obama’s deepest political fear was being seen as a “traditional” black politician, one who was demanding redistribution from white America on behalf of his fellow African-Americans.

The Real Reason

Here we go with this garbage, im sure this masterpiece will be on the Sunday's NYT front page.
Oh for cripes sake

The entire key to the rise of the Republican Party from the mid-sixties through the nineties was that white Americans came to see the Democrats as taking money from the hard-working white middle class and giving it to a lazy black underclass.
No, Elizabeth Warren's statements never included saying that business people did not build their business. He and Elizabeth Warren did say the same kinds of things. Roads and Bridges were built by the government. The same thing Henry Ford accredited his greater success towards. Every educated man or women knows that without help, no one can make it. Hell, I graduated Summa Cum Laude, highest honor, 4.0. I worked hard, got scholarships, and made my own grades. I still got help from teachers when I needed it and without pell grants or loans, I would not have even gotten a shot. I needed the road I drove on an hour to get to school and an hour back to get home. I would not have had the chance to go to Law School without help. This argument that people just do everything on their own is nonsense and delusional. I am not a fan of republican or democrats. They both are horrible ideologues trying to bring the immunization of the eschaton through ideology. They both suck, but this is just incorrect and an uneducated stance to try to win political advantage points.

How did the government pay for those roads that you drove on to get to school, those pell grants that you received, or those teachers' salaries that taught you? Taxpayer dollars - personal income taxes and BUSINESS income taxes. Government derives its power from the people. Don't forget it.
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No, that is called context.

Exactly. His context is for bigger government, more regulations, and higher taxes. He wants a nanny state

Roads and bridges were not built by the government, they were built because private businesses were successful. Everything the government has today, has been provided to them by the private sector
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you keep saying that, but you're wrong, no one is taking Obama's remarks out of context. You're just buying into the administration's spin as they try to "explain" what the smartest man ever to be president actually said

I can't believe so many people think the Republicans are the ones using 'spin' here.

Do people really think 'that' = roads and bridge?
Acknowledging that others helped is not a slight to those who own and built the business. It just recognizes the simple truth that we are all interconnected. Only the most cynical would overread it to be some kind of knock on the business community.
Lord knows the business owners taxes did not pay the the govt bridge and road projects.

Govt contracts are so cost effecient. Good thing politicians do not receive kick backs from these contracts.
Acknowledging that others helped is not a slight to those who own and built the business. It just recognizes the simple truth that we are all interconnected.

Which is why it would have been pointless to say it. I find it hard to believe Obama was trying sway voters who think everyone lives in a vacuum.

It's sad people are trying to make the Republicans look like the ones twisting words. If Obama wasn't trying to downplay the importance of intelligence and hard work, he wouldn't have implied that having a great teacher and roads are what separate the business owners from all the other smart, hardworking people out there.

Obama said, "If you have a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen." Then he lied about it.
I'm running a business and the Government doesn't help. They mostly get in the way. The difference between me and those who work for me is I took a shot.
Except that's a direct quote. And when much more than the one quote is given, it doesn't make him look better at all.
I wish Obama, lg and every one else would just be honest. Simply say say I believe in the collective and the government is the overseer.

Why the bs?
Acknowledging that others helped is not a slight to those who own and built the business. It just recognizes the simple truth that we are all interconnected. Only the most cynical would overread it to be some kind of knock on the business community.

Anything to be anti-Obama. Maybe some of these guys should have ran for office instead of that old fart McCain and the dummy in-a-skirt Palin.
Acknowledging that others helped is not a slight to those who own and built the business. It just recognizes the simple truth that we are all interconnected. Only the most cynical would overread it to be some kind of knock on the business community.

No over reading necessary
When Nashville was first settled there were no roads.

Some came by river and some came by Indian trails which were originally buffalo paths.

I cannot decide who built Nashville.

The Indians or the buffaloes?

VN Store
