Obama/McCain and Russia/Georgia

There are some giddy people right now, Russia played their hand openly on that one. Its going to get analyzed to death.
FOXNews.com - Bush Orders Military to Deliver Aid to Georgia - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum

At some point, someone is going to get "accidentally" shot. Oil is going to rise again I bet. Just what Russia wants.

This will put extra pressure on Russia to suspend military operations in that area. Russia will have to be very careful not to let any harm come to these humanitarian operations, it would be terrible publicity for them.
Sorry KB, but give very very recent events, I don't think Russia gives a damn about bad publicity.

To an extent I agree, but if humanitarian workers just happened to be killed it would completely turn public opinion around the world against them and further isolate them.
I'm sure Susan Rice was actually parroting George Clooney's thoughts on the Russia/Georgia conflict.

This is the kind of BS that happens when a candidate has 301 foreign policy advisers.
The Obama camp better not wade out too deep when it comes to national security issues. This is right in McCain's wheelhouse. Now McCain will get to field questions about the criticism from Obama and it just extends his opportunity to paint himself as the guy who is authoritative on National Security.
The Obama camp better not wade out too deep when it comes to national security issues. This is right in McCain's wheelhouse.

Agree. It would not benefit them in any way to keep bringing this up.
Given what we've heard from Obama to date regarding foreign policy, I'm gonna venture forth that he is woefully unqualified to handle that end of the job.
If we accept her premise that a candidates policy proposals might influence a conflict don't we have to accept that Obama's comments about immediate withdrawal from Iraq may have negatively influenced that conflict? Can you have one without the other?

I agree, this is not a road Obama should go down.
I don't think what he said made the actual conflict worse, but the implications of what he said are going to be felt.

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Georgian president to McCain: Move ‘from words to deeds’ - Blogs from CNN.com

Don't make threats you have no intention of defending. Now he has to follow through or our threats in the future for other situations are going to be meaningless.

What more can McCain do but call for action. Perhaps his comments motivated the administration to go forward with the humanitarian aid flight.

I don't get your point - what are the threats he made that he's not following through on?
What more can McCain do but call for action. Perhaps his comments motivated the administration to go forward with the humanitarian aid flight.

I don't get your point - what are the threats he made that he's not following through on?

Maybe I should word this different? I generally ascribe to the T.R. school of thought. McCain (Obama /US Admin) are calling an emergency meeting for NATO, thats an implied threat. You dont call up NATO to discuss economic sanctions, unless it implies military intervention. NATO would be convened only after sanctions have been discussed and they would need to be informed.

Sorry, I haven't been reading up on Obamas stance, but you guys are right that everyone is basically saying the same thing (Obama & US Admin). Russia called our bluff and we were caught in promises we could not keep.
Russia still at it, blowing up runways and continuing to do their best to secure the pipeline.
Red Rover Red Rover send Condi right over. Yeaaaahhhh!!!!!!

Btw, I have communicated with BPV and trUT. So according to the Obama/Clooney/TennNC rule, I am qualified to instruct Georgia on warfare should they need my consultation.

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