Team Romney Scares Conservatives By Touting Romneycare | TPM2012
Team Romney brings up Romneycare.
Not a good thing for their campaign.
""" Mitt Romneys campaign is giving conservatives quite a scare this week by touting Romneys Massachusetts health care overhaul a subject Romney has gone to great lengths to avoid.
Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul brought up the law in response to a*Priorities USA ad
*in which a steelworker, who lost his job after Bain Capital closed the GST Steel mill where he worked, connects his unemployment and resulting lack of health insurance to the death of his wife.
Team Romneys response: He should have lived in Massachusetts.
On two Fox News appearances Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, Saul countered that if the steelworker, Joe Soptic, and his wife had lived in Massachusetts, they would have kept their insurance under Romneys health care reform law.
To that point, if people had been in Massachusetts, under Gov. Romneys health care plan, they would have had health care, Saul said Tuesday.
The campaign has shied from reminding voters of Romneys landmark achievement as governor because it so closely resembles Obamacare and was in fact a model for the national law. Romney has said repeatedly that he does not wish to force his plan onto other states. Romney has justified the law to conservatives by insisting that it worked for his state, but he wouldnt ask other states to follow his lead.""""""