I have to say tonight will lie in my mind and heart for the rest of my life. The speech that Barack gave has made me think that my sons have a chance at the American Dream. These last 7 years have made me a very jaded and cynical man. I have seen this country I love become so divided that I really was starting to think that I would see the end of America in my lifetime.
Obama gave something to me tonight that no other politican has ever given me. Hope for the future.
I know that sounds corny and stupid. I know some people reading this will roll their eyes the moment they read it,but I dont care. Barack moved me tonight and I had to share this feeling with friends.
I am tired of being a cynic. I want to have hope again.
His speach was the same old tired liberal crap that we have heard for years. He used class warfare that every candidate from the Left has used ever since JFK. He is no JFK. The only difference in his speach and those of Clinton, Gore and Kerry was he did so in a Greek God like setting and had fireworks. He talks a lot better than Gore and Kerry (which is not tough to do) but his message was the same. Class warfare, blame the producers and achievers. blah blah blah. I guarantee you anyone who ownes a small to medium sized business last night was shaking their heads at this.