Obama's Speech

You know what this has been fun now that I think of it. I need to come over here more often. I normally just hit the Football Threads but I think I will expand my horizons.

We hope you do (TennNC needs company). :hi:

You just can't take anything personally. I constantly review my positions and ideas about subjects thru interaction on this board and the others I post on. It's good to try and see where others stand every now and then. Doesn't mean you will change but it can't hurt to have more ammo
I've been called a racist, homophobe and a misogynist by my former liberal friends. Terms like that have a way of ending a friendship. I was always open to their points of view, yet they never reciprocated the courtesy.

I wasn't calling you petty. I just think it is stupid to let political views get in the way of friendship. If I disagree with a friend or family member on an issue I'm really passionate about, I would just try to avoid talking about said issue.
I wasn't calling you petty. I just think it is stupid to let political views get in the way of friendship. If I disagree with a friend or family member on an issue I'm really passionate about, I would just try to avoid talking about said issue.
sounds like a personal issue that Monistat would help with.
WTF? I say it's stupid for the guy's former liberal friends to call him names, leading to the ending of their friendship, and you make a comment about by manhood?

You may have misspelled it, but we know your making a homophobic statement here! :)
WTF? I say it's stupid for the guy's former liberal friends to call him names, leading to the ending of their friendship, and you make a comment about by manhood?
didn't you say you'd avoid a heated debate with your friends and try to wear that as a badge of courage?
didn't you say you'd avoid a heated debate with your friends and try to wear that as a badge of courage?

I'm more than happy to debate my friends and family on issues because we can agree to disagree. I just don't think it is worth losing or at least souring a relationship because of differences in political views. I guess I was thinking more of avoiding debates with my family about religion rather than politics because they never end well. If I spoke freely with them, they'd think I was going to hell.:naughty:
Over the last couple years I have seen my Grandmother struggle to pay her electric bills, and Precriptions.

I have seen my three of my neighbors loose their houses because their payments skyrocketed on them.

I have struggled at times to keep gas in my car.

I have seen proud people have to go to Food Pantries just to have enough to eat.

All I wanted to say about last night was I feel that Barack can put the nation back on the right track and that does give me hope.

1. Plenty of people struggle, the American Dream was never the idea of everyone "having it made".
2. Those houses were probably the largest purchases those people have ever made. They should have been more thoughtful in their decision making.
3. Gas. Again with the struggling, find alternative ways to get around, cut other costs, find more income.
4. Food pantries. Nothing wrong with needing help in life every once in a while, expecially when offered by non-government entities. They should also learn to garden.
5. "Right track", "hope", again with all this meaningless nonsense. Can someone from the Obama camp or a supporter of his actually say anything that has some meat behind it?

I thought the speech sucked.
Well guys November 4th will be fun. It will wonderful to see the Dems have complete control again.

The days of Right Wing politics have ran its cycle and now America is about to give the Left their turn. If they screw it up the people will boot them out too.

But for now its good to be a Dem:)

80% of the country thinks we are on the wrong track for a reason.
why attempt rebuttals when you have your head buried in the sand? If you prefer Euro-style social democracy, move to England or France, enjoy their ridiculously high tax rates and mediocre (at best) socialized medicine programs.
why attempt rebuttals when you have your head buried in the sand? If you prefer Euro-style social democracy, move to England or France, enjoy their ridiculously high tax rates and mediocre (at best) socialized medicine programs.[/quot

Like I said I hate Soccer, and besides I think anything will be better than what we have had these last seven years.

The Republican polices have punished the Middle Class long enough and people are sick of it.

This Goverment belongs to the people not the corporate Fat Cats.

Goverment isnt the solution most of the time, but it shouldnt be the problem either.
why attempt rebuttals when you have your head buried in the sand? If you prefer Euro-style social democracy, move to England or France, enjoy their ridiculously high tax rates and mediocre (at best) socialized medicine programs.[/quot

Like I said I hate Soccer, and besides I think anything will be better than what we have had these last seven years.

The Republican polices have punished the Middle Class long enough and people are sick of it.

This Goverment belongs to the people not the corporate Fat Cats.

Goverment isnt the solution most of the time, but it shouldnt be the problem either.

can you support the silly middle class comment or the fat cat one?
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Uh.. fat cats pay the middle class and both of them will be paying more taxes to take care of the lazy bastards that Obama wants to let go to the hospital with a cold on our dime.
If what I am saying is BS then why are the Republicans being swept out left and right.

they lost in 2006 because they became just as bad as the democrats at spending tax payer dollars. I wouldn't call it "left and right" either, the democrats that have won the three seats recently vacated by the GOP have all been conservative democrats, not the Pelosi/Reid hard line socialist types.

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