Official 2014 FIFA World Cup Thread

Not really a fair comparison. Individual regular season CFB is really very regional. While the SEC fans may be rabid and watch every conference game of the day plus a few from other conferences as well, people out west and up north dont care much past their favorite team.

Whereas WC, like the Olympics, has national interest. Everyone is rooting for the same team.

I think this WC airing live games in the afternoon helped tremendously. What do you think the ratings would have been if the game was played at 3am our time and the results of a loss were in before the afternoon replay?

Having said that, I do think soccer has come a long way since I was a teenager. And I agree with the person that said soccer will overtake baseball in 10 or so years. That hardcore fanbase is getting older while soccer is getting younger. It's only a matter of time.

The soccer match was in the middle of the work day on a Tuesday.
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The soccer match was in the middle of the work day on a Tuesday.

True.... But its summer time when many people are off work. Not to mention the typical work week is no longer Mon-Fri.

It would have been different had it aired in the middle of the night and results of a loss were already in. Or even a win for that matter. The people who watch out of patriotic pride whould have just watched the highlights and thumped their chest while chanting "USA, USA".

I'm not trying to take anything away from the ratings success of this WC. I wouldn't describe myself as a soccer fan (nor a hater) but even I have watched about 50% of ALL the games, not just the US.

My point was that comparing the ratings for something the majority of the viewers across the country are rooting for to something that is fragmented regionally is apples and oranges.
Yeah, not sure that I agree that Costa Rica is better than Mexico. They definitely outperformed them in qualifying, but this WC Mexico team looked nothing like the qualifying team.
Does it bother anyone else that soccer teams are referred to as plural nouns? (ex: Germany have scored to take the lead.)
I have serious issues with grammar. It is correct to say "Germany has" not "Germany have", right?

Saying "have" is correct in this case if the thing you're referring to is plural. Really either one could be right. Saying "has" when talking about Germany, the singular country would be right, and so is saying "have" to refer to the multiple people who make up the German team.
It's scary to think that this isn't even a full power Germany squad they're putting out there. Their depth is insane.
Great kick

It was a nice kick, but that goal was more a breakdown by the Colombian keeper than anything else. A player at this level getting the ball over the wall and back down on frame from that distance isn't exactly a feat of strength, but a goalie just can't get beat from that far out on the side he's supposed to be covering.
What a quintessentially South American match. Stunning midfield battle turns into an absolute meat grinder. Thiago Silva won that game for Brazil, now he and likely neymar are out against Germany. Scolari is really up against it.

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