Official 2014 FIFA World Cup Thread

**** Fred. What really pisses me off is the dude is celebrating Neymar's goal like he didn't just flop like a girl
Brazil is pretty bad but diving happens in all sports nowadays.

What's frustrating is that common sense would tell you that FIFA should have their best dozen or so officiating crews at the WC, and that no world class referee would be fooled by such a low-rent dive. Unfortunately, the only person that bought it was the only one that mattered.
Well. Croatia has an argument for getting jobbed on that penalty. They played well and should make it out of the group. Their keeper looked pretty bad on the first and third goals though.
Croatia had an excellent opportunity to make it 2-2 at the end of that game, but that counterattack by Brazil including the weakest goal I've seen in a while sealed it. I wasn't around a computer during the game.
Brazil got all the calls, but I still feel like they had more class. That dive was terrible, but every defender at that level has got to know that, in the box, you check your friggin' hands. In real time, I can see how it looked like a pull-down in the eyes of the ref.

That's how the game is played in most of the world. That sort of call doesn't fly in the Premier League or in MLS, but it does pretty much anywhere else. Kids are taught to dive from day one.

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