Official Global Warming thread (merged)

Fox quote: Whether Trump plans to initiate a formal withdrawal from the Paris Accord, under the terms of the agreement could take 3 years, or exit the underlying UN climate change treaty on which the accord was based.

He can speed up the process, congress never ratified the treaty and Trumps not about to shell out 100 billion to the climatards
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He's also doing huge things with that money. However, he started most of everything on his own dime, so there is that.

But Musk is certainly one of the entrepreneurs we should be holding up as an example for folks to emulate. He broke the old guard of government contractors by being innovative and challenging the norm. He's certainly a man Trump should keep close.

Start on own dime, sustain on Uncle Sam's dollar.

He is no example for entrepreneurs to emulate, unless being a legal crook is their goal.

A guy on a WH climate council that owns companies geared toward specific types of electric use that coincide with said climate-dorks ideologies. Trump should have already him to go suck it.
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Well keep in mind science isn't a I mean there was once a time not too long ago where 100% of doctors thought to fix a stutter you cut a part of the persons tongue off...or the whole bleeding people to cure them. Hell, people were using arsenic as medicine up to 50 years ago..

Now you're getting stoopid dude, that or just being a trifling scamp cause you can. I hope you know better than to assert those past errors of science as reason to disregard all of modern environmental science, of which climatology is just one specialty within the whole.

If you don't know you're not making a reasonable objection based on some actual recent errors within the various specialties, then you can't pretend to be addressing the issues on common ground for discourse because you're just lost in the swamp.
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Well keep in mind science isn't a I mean there was once a time not too long ago where 100% of doctors thought to fix a stutter you cut a part of the persons tongue off...or the whole bleeding people to cure them. Hell, people were using arsenic as medicine up to 50 years ago..

Lead was in almost everything.
Start on own dime, sustain on Uncle Sam's dollar.

He is no example for entrepreneurs to emulate, unless being a legal crook is their goal.

A guy on a WH climate council that owns companies geared toward specific types of electric use that coincide with said climate-dorks ideologies. Trump should have already him to go suck it.

Musk has also made that Uncle Sam dollar go a lot further than if it was only ULA being the sole source contractor for space launches. He came in and underbid them and secured some of the contracts they were overselling. Broke up the Boeing Mafia in the DoD by forcing them to look outside the normal contract channels at his company. He's actually making the federal government be fiscally responsible. How abhorrent! Employing an estimated 6,000 Americans for SpaceX! How dare he!

And by the way, SpaceX has 50 launches planned in the future. Only a third of them are US Government contracts. In 2014 alone, he secured almost half the worldwide contracts by being the cheapest in the business. Enough that Arianspace asked the EU to further subsidize their industry since they couldn't compete. Where do those jobs end up? In the U.S.

Who says Trump shouldn't have a good mix of people informally advising him on a wealth of products? Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Tim Cook, Larry Page and others provide a better insight to the Presidency than a single information source. If Jeff Bezos, who's disdain for Trump was never a great secret, can set aside his differences and meet with the President and even offer advice, who are you to say that's wrong?

These people are cutting edge in the tech fields and, again, are entrepreneurs pushing the boundaries of their respective fields. So sorry your shortsightedness is causing you grief over a single company one of them owns.
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Scientific evidence > a political agenda

Educate yo'self.

IF we don't warm the planet now ALL of our children are going to pay the price when Yellow stone erupts and cools the planet by 20 degrees. That extra mile you drive to find a new style weigels fuel station may save your children's future.If we don't act now we will have to act later!!!:crazy:

Have you or any of the other climate change deniers ever bothered to think or do independent research - or do you only rely on the political pundits to tell you it's a liberal agenda to cost you money?

The source I cited was from NASA, the evidence is based on undeniable fact from an impartial, non partisan source.

Or do you believe that NASA is full of pseudo scientists?
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99% of you libs don't even know what the Paris Agreement means. You're just parroting back what your masters tell you

It's an agreement with very little backbone to it. It wasn't the end of the world before we agreed to it. Now apparently if we pull out, everyone is going to die especially the children.
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The source I cited was from NASA, the evidence is based on undeniable fact from an impartial, non partisan source.

I wouldn't quite say NASA is impartial or non-partisan.

It is a government agency after all.
I wouldn't quite say NASA is impartial or non-partisan.

It is a government agency after all.

Well, the scientist there are well educated, independent thinkers - so I can see why those on the "right" would believe them to be against them.

Frankly, it doesn't even need to be said that any organization (or country) that doesn't toe the climate change denial line are considered progressive liberal tree hugging hippies.

It's a good thing that we have Syria and Nicaragua standing with us on the Paris Acord. I can't think of two more well heeled bastions of intellect to help us with the climate change denial street cred.
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Have you or any of the other climate change deniers ever bothered to think or do independent research - or do you only rely on the political pundits to tell you it's a liberal agenda to cost you money?

The source I cited was from NASA, the evidence is based on undeniable fact from an impartial, non partisan source.

Or do you believe that NASA is full of pseudo scientists?

Who's denying the climate is/could be changing? I'm highly skeptical man is the cause of the climate changing.

Here is where the man made global warming alarmist lose me, we are not stopping the climate changing so why keep spending huge sums of money studying how it can be stopped. Why not spend that money on how we can live through it?
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Have you or any of the other climate change deniers ever bothered to think or do independent research - or do you only rely on the political pundits to tell you it's a liberal agenda to cost you money?

The source I cited was from NASA, the evidence is based on undeniable fact from an impartial, non partisan source.

Or do you believe that NASA is full of pseudo scientists?

NASA is an acronym for Never a straight answer! There is no shred of Credible Evidence whatsoever, it's a pseudo science based upon projections and computer modules .


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Well, the scientist there are well educated, independent thinkers - so I can see why those on the "right" would believe them to be against them.

Frankly, it doesn't even need to be said that any organization (or country) that doesn't toe the climate change denial line are considered progressive liberal tree hugging hippies.

It's a good thing that we have Syria and Nicaragua standing with us on the Paris Acord. I can't think of two more well heeled bastions of intellect to help us with the climate change denial street cred.

That whole Nicaragua and Syria thing is pretty lame. Of course, I could say by agreeing to it, we lump ourselves into the same pot as countries like Mongolia, Uruguay and Mali. Real bastions of climate change expertise right there. It is a double edged sword... Probably best if you move on past that talking point.

As for NASA and the independent thinking, the theory put forth far earlier about shrinking budgets does significantly apply to NASA more so than a university or private company. Trump is proposing to seriously cut the earth sciences budget from NASA. Like bigly cuts. And that, as we've stated, does affect job security of some people. And what better way of keeping said job than to announce a scare tactic like this? Works for the DHS all the time in regards to terrorism.

Remember that critical thinking you accused me of not using? Yeah, check the mirror, hoss.
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Who's denying the climate is/could be changing? I'm highly skeptical man is the cause of the climate changing.

Here is where the man made global warming alarmist lose me, we are not stopping the climate changing so why keep spending huge sums of money studying how it can be stopped. Why not spend that money on how we can live through it?

Many deny it.

It's about not contributing to making it worse, slowing the acceleration by mitigating the factors that exacerbate the problem.

We're all going to die someday, but we can mitigate an early demise by not powering through fourteen whoppers a day and chain smoking three packs a day. The Paris deal could be considered a diet of 7 Whoppers and backing off to a pack a day.

Jesus, if CHINA realizes there's a pollution problem and is on board - one may want to not be on the wrong side of this...
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Many deny it.

It's about not contributing to making it worse, slowing the acceleration by mitigating the factors that exacerbate the problem.

We're all going to die someday, but we can mitigate an early demise by not powering through fourteen whoppers a day and chain smoking three packs a day. The Paris deal could be considered a diet of 7 Whoppers and backing off to a pack a day.

Jesus, if CHINA realizes there's a pollution problem and is on board - one may want to not be on the wrong side of this...

Is that why they've got 15 years to ponder a decision?
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Many deny it.

It's about not contributing to making it worse, slowing the acceleration by mitigating the factors that exacerbate the problem.

We're all going to die someday, but we can mitigate an early demise by not powering through fourteen whoppers a day and chain smoking three packs a day. The Paris deal could be considered a diet of 7 Whoppers and backing off to a pack a day.

Jesus, if CHINA realizes there's a pollution problem and is on board - one may want to not be on the wrong side of this...

The Paris deal did nothing to mitigate or slow climate change, read it.

China had to do something about pollution, foreign investors were demanding it. The company my son worked for when he was traveling to Beijing is thinking about pulling out and one of the reasons is the smog.

If the climate is getting warmer like it has MANY times throughout history there isn't a damn thing we can do to stop or slow it. That ball is already rolling down hill. Only thing we can do is learn to live with it.
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That whole Nicaragua and Syria thing is pretty lame. Of course, I could say by agreeing to it, we lump ourselves into the same pot as countries like Mongolia, Uruguay and Mali. Real bastions of climate change expertise right there. It is a double edged sword... Probably best if you move on past that talking point.

As for NASA and the independent thinking, the theory put forth far earlier about shrinking budgets does significantly apply to NASA more so than a university or private company. Trump is proposing to seriously cut the earth sciences budget from NASA. Like bigly cuts. And that, as we've stated, does affect job security of some people. And what better way of keeping said job than to announce a scare tactic like this? Works for the DHS all the time in regards to terrorism.

Remember that critical thinking you accused me of not using? Yeah, check the mirror, hoss.

No, it's just an inconvenient talking point for you apparently, the American exceptionalism is being put on display. When the U.S. is one of three country's opting out and the other three are third world cess pools, it's absolutely worth noting the company you keep.

Nicaragua and Syria.

Your last point is nothing more than speculative nonsensical rambling.

The data regarding sea rise, temp ice cap melting etc. are not subjective, ball park, eyeball guesstimates as you laughably assert. Reporting scientific data isn't partisan unless the results don't meet an agenda no matter how hard you try to make that case.

Curious, how would the scientific reporting of these data points save jobs? Are you saying that it's "payback" for the budget cuts? What skin in the game do you believe they have?
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No, it's an inconvenience talking point for you apparently, the American exceptionalism is being put on display. When the U.S. is one of three country's opting out and the other three are third world cess pools, it's absolutely worth noting the company you keep.

Nicaragua and Syria.

Your last point is nothing more than speculative nonsensical rambling.

The data regarding sea rise, temp ice cap melting etc. are not subjective, ball park, eyeball guesstimates as you laughably assert. Reporting scientific data isn't partisan unless the results don't meet an agenda no matter how hard you try to make that case.

Curious, how would the scientific reporting of these data points save jobs? Are you saying that it's "payback" for the budget cuts? What skin in the game do you believe they have?

We were the only country the accord was designed to hurt and slow it's economy. Should have never signed the thing to begin with!
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