Youve got em now!
Conservatives are again denying the very existence of global warming -
The best efforts to undermine the established climate science behind the Endangerment Finding are pathetically bad
The article pretty much sums it up. Before continuing, I must point out once again how easily the resident climate deniers flip flop between The earth is warming, but humans are not responsible and the earth is not warming (and occasionally later
stages of climate denial). The same people holding up this paper claiming no warming will be touting natural cycles again before you know it. Such logical consistency...
Anyway, did you check the source?
Craig Idso educated in geography, has worked for Peabody coal in various capacities since 2001 (among numerous ties to fossil fuel industries). Climate denial literally runs in his family.
Joe Daleo an evangelical meteorologist who believes Earth and its ecosystems created by Gods intelligent design and infinite power and sustained by His faithful providence are robust, resilient, self-regulating, and self-correcting, admirably suited for human flourishing, and displaying His glory. Earth's climate system is no exception."
Ive never heard of the third guy, but he has a background in economics and engineering, and appears to only write sham studies like this with Daleo for the infamous Heartland Institute and CATO Institute. None of these people have relevant expertise and none of them publish in peer reviewed scientific journals (as Michael Bastach and the Daily Caller would mislead you to believe). This is not a scientific study; its a wordpress blog citing other blogs and sham papers like this.
Frankly, the whole premise of this article is stupid and weve been over these adjustments numerous times. First of all, as the article points out, the net effect of the adjustments made by NOAA and NASA
reduces the long term temperature trend. Second of all, these arent the only global surface temperature datasets; there are several, and all of them agree. Even the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature project, which was
funded by the Koch brothers and led by a former climate change doubter, found that NOAA and NASA agreed with their results. And again, as the article points out, there are numerous indicators of climate change besides direct temperature measurements (receding glaciers, rising sea levels, decreasing snowpack, changing seasons, etc) including the satellite temperature measurements that skeptics, including the authors of this study, love to reference. Speaking of...
More errors identified in contrarian climate scientists' temperature estimates
Check out that last figure (wont link correctly). Every adjustment has made the UAH satellite temperatures trend warmer. Such scandal!
Satellite temperature data, leaned on by climate change doubters, revised sharply upward
And it looks like its time for Spencer and Cristy to adjust their dataset once again. I wonder what SandVol thinks of all this
In fact my favorite part of this new study is where it shows that the surface and satellite temperatures largely agree while stating otherwise. Lmfao go look at their Figure VI-1. The trends are nearly identical, they just fit surface temperatures with a straight line and satellite temperatures with a step function. Did any of you actually read this? The whole thing is incredibly amateurish, even by climate denier standards. Im legitimately embarrassed for you.
Please please please let the legion of Bannon challenge the endangerment finding with this trash. Get this willful ignorance out in the open. If this is Pruitts idea of a red team Im all for it. It would be a futile exercise and complete waste of taxpayer money, but the entertainment value would be priceless.