Saying the hurricane is coming straight at Charlotte lmao...supposed to just be windy wirh heavy rains here tho. In 1988 or 89 we had just moved to Charlotte. My aunt and her family lived in Wilmington NC on the coast...they evacuated Wilmington because the eye of the storm was supposed to hit there after passing thru Charleston. They drove about 220 miles inland to Charlotte to come stay with us for 3 or 4 days til the storm passed.... the eye hit Charleston and wrecked it....then the hurricane made a Beeline directly for Charlotte proper. Winds were still 110 to 120Mph when it hit our neighborhood about midnight maybe? I remember the eye passing over the house...TV, power etc was knocked out...but it got almost completely quiet for maybe 10 or 15 minutes? Then back to 110 plus... we always rag my Aunt about bringing that hurricane with her, and all the damage it did. We were out of school for 2 weeks!!! Didnt have power for over a week despite living less than 10 miles from Catawba nuclear station. Couldn't drive anywhere....couldn't buy gas for chainsaws etc bc the pumps were down or there wasnt a path to drive to gas station without trees blocking the road. It was awesome to a 12yo me lol. Everybodies food in their freezers was gonna go bad if we didnt cook there were block parties every night til that stuff was mostly gone. We had a natural gas grill on our back patio in working order so we let anyone who wanted to come over and grill out their chicken, steaks, burgers etc. It was a really good time. Hope this storm is just rain this time. Too old for the drama...