Official Gramps' Memorial Eternal OT Thread

And I thought the GPS synced trolling motors were things of brilliance.

Auto pilot would be handy. We run up river towards Hartsville and Carthage quite a bit so it's not unusual to have a 30-45 minute run each way, heck even going to Hendersonville is a 30 minute run, having auto pilot would surely free up the drinking hand.

You don't have deck hands to keep your hands free for drinking?
I tell you people are crazy. I just got a good chewing out buy a lady (term used loosely) for a quote a project manager sent her for maintenance and some repairs on her properties stormwater system. Called me a crook, and a few other nice things because we're one of two around that can do the work she needs done to get her system back into compliance. This facility is a pretty large manufacturing plant so it isn't like it's a mom and pop operation hanging on by a shoestring. I ended up telling her she could sign the quote/service agreement and if she did we could get to it by maybe February, she has until the end of the year to settle their NOV.
My thoughts on buying a truck got derailed a week ... wife thing as usual ... too busy to go look. I want her input ... but then knowing the lay of the land, I'll do what I want. She always tells me how much she hated my last two cars (Ford Taurus SHO and Subaru Legacy GT and ... refers to them as POS). She said she would agree with the truck (which she suggested in the first place), if I got rid of my POS; my answer was that I'll keep my POS in the garage, thank you. Anyway I've been looking at two Maverick trim levels - XLT and Lariat, and could go either way.

That gets to the question. Have any of you had experience with "acoustic insulated glass"? It is included in the Lariat trim level but not the XLT. One of the things I especially liked in a trip to SC with my sister in her Maverick Lariat was the noise level - it was amazingly quiet the truck was which believe it or not makes a big difference when you have higher frequency hearing loss. From all I've read acoustic insulated glass has a PVB (Polyvinyl Butyral) layer between the two glass layers. Supposedly it drops the noise transmission by a few decibels, is significantly more difficult to break, and thinner and lighter than a regular windshield. Sounds like Porsche and Ford are the two companies doing the most with it in newer cars. Hard to think that the windshield might flip the difference between trim levels, but it just might.
My thoughts on buying a truck got derailed a week ... wife thing as usual ... too busy to go look. I want her input ... but then knowing the lay of the land, I'll do what I want. She always tells me how much she hated my last two cars (Ford Taurus SHO and Subaru Legacy GT and ... refers to them as POS). She said she would agree with the truck (which she suggested in the first place), if I got rid of my POS; my answer was that I'll keep my POS in the garage, thank you. Anyway I've been looking at two Maverick trim levels - XLT and Lariat, and could go either way.

That gets to the question. Have any of you had experience with "acoustic insulated glass"? It is included in the Lariat trim level but not the XLT. One of the things I especially liked in a trip to SC with my sister in her Maverick Lariat was the noise level - it was amazingly quiet the truck was which believe it or not makes a big difference when you have higher frequency hearing loss. From all I've read acoustic insulated glass has a PVB (Polyvinyl Butyral) layer between the two glass layers. Supposedly it drops the noise transmission by a few decibels, is significantly more difficult to break, and thinner and lighter than a regular windshield. Sounds like Porsche and Ford are the two companies doing the most with it in newer cars. Hard to think that the windshield might flip the difference between trim levels, but it just might.

^^Must be an engineer.

The cloth vs leather isn't much of a factor for you?
Did y'all know that one of the things behind the Friday the 13th legend was that On Friday, October 13, 1307 King Philip IV of France arrested hundreds of the Knights Templar and sacked the Temple at La Rochelle? As history apparently goes, the Templars were out of the Crusading business and into banking, and Philip needed money ... so it was really all about theft. Anyway it is an interesting story and led to all kinds of theories and tales as to where the Templar riches went.
^^Must be an engineer.

The cloth vs leather isn't much of a factor for you?

Meh, leather looks nice, but it's not a deal breaker either way for me. My last couple of cars have had leather seats; my wife's CRV has cloth - I might actually prefer the cloth.
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A brave man. Weezer might show up naked. Jk. If I make a game this year might stop by for a Go VOLS myself. You would know me from Adam anyway, so if you kick me out I will say I'm one of the weird liberals. Jk haha

I agree with all of this. Also, I absolutely flog this manual Civic on a daily basis as you know. Just replaced pads, 2 front rotors, a caliper from the junkyard, and changed my oil. Wed night after work, with help from a buddy i made take a $50 spot for helping me. Cars do not have to be expensive to be fun. Anyone whose ever driven a VW bug with over 100hp can attest to that. My Dad built dozens of bugs and buses over his life. I learned to drive on a 65bug with a sunroof and a bus engine that was a screamer. Would love to have it right now. I have a pic of my Dad and I doing an engine swap in 1 circa 1992 when I was taking 4 bolts out and dropping the 4banger, then we just picked the back of the car up and over the engine and brought the other 1 over. Lol. Great times.

Edit: this one we swapped was a 1953 green named "Charlie." You can tell them by the split rear window. The 1965 bug I learned to drive on in 1992 was "Lil Red" with black interior and mag wheels. It was badazz and quick with the bigger air cooled bus engine in it. Screamer. That was in SLC Utah with my Dad. He was stationed at Hill AFB. They had squadrons of F16s there and F15s were common to see as well. Both amazing, amazing aircraft to this day.
Come by any game.
They're good for taking on the wake of these wake board boats. I'm enjoying mine. I love that autopilot. We're fine tuning it but for the most part you can pick a point on the chart and it will take you there. During busy times you have to take back control to avoid other boats but for the most part it does the driving for you.
I realize wake boats are fun and all that, but as a fisherman…. I hate those damn things…. and they always seem to be playing Morgan Wallen or some sissy ass music…. That people 2 miles down the channel can hear …Which makes them more annoying
I realize wake boats are fun and all that, but as a fisherman…. I hate those damn things…. and they always seem to be playing Morgan Wallen or some sissy ass music…. That people 2 miles down the channel can hear …Which makes them more annoying
As someone who used to ski a lot (back before wakeboats were the thing), I found fishermen who thought everybody should cater to the fact that they were fishing to be pretty insufferable.

Edit: I'd like to clarify that I in no way endorse sitting on the lake blasting Morgan Wallen.
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As someone who used to ski a lot (back before wakeboats were the thing) I found fisherman who thought everybody should cater to the fact that they were fishing to be pretty insufferable.
Lol… I’m not that guy. I don’t fish tournaments and all that. Old Hickory lake where I fish the most only has 4-5 good creeks off of the main channel. With this being the case, you can count on at least one wake boat being in them every evening going back and forth and back and forth over and over, blaring their crappy music at concert levels and throwing off 3 ft wakes…. Docks rocking and clanging like hell
Skiers and tubers aren’t an issue.
As someone who used to ski a lot (back before wakeboats were the thing), I found fishermen who thought everybody should cater to the fact that they were fishing to be pretty insufferable.

Edit: I'd like to clarify that I in no way endorse sitting on the lake blasting Morgan Wallen.
I forgot to add that the type of fishermen you’re talking about annoy me as well. I always give other fishermen plenty of space and don’t cut them off if they’re working their way down a bank…. But those SOBs that pull right up next to me or jump in front of me really get under my skin.
Lol… I’m not that guy. I don’t fish tournaments and all that. Old Hickory lake where I fish the most only has 4-5 good creeks off of the main channel. With this being the case, you can count on at least one wake boat being in them every evening going back and forth and back and forth over and over, blaring their crappy music at concert levels and throwing off 3 ft wakes…. Docks rocking and clanging like hell
Skiers and tubers aren’t an issue.
If you're in a 100k wake boat and you're just using it to ride around and listen to music, buy a frigging pontoon. The lake I used to ski had a lot of big bays, there were always fishing boats that would intentionally set up to make it hard for skiers to turn and gesture at you to slow down every time you made a pass. On to an old man rant... nobody knows boater etiquette anymore.
If you're in a 100k wake boat and you're just using it to ride around and listen to music, buy a frigging pontoon. The lake I used to ski had a lot of big bays, there were always fishing boats that would intentionally set up to make it hard for skiers to turn and gesture at you to slow down every time you made a pass. On to an old man rant... nobody knows boater etiquette anymore.
That’s the truth….it’s seems like it gets worse every summer too.
Don’t get me wrong…. I like to have a good time on the lake and realize wake boats are fun.
They’re not as big of a problem on Percy Priest due to the layout of the lake. Old Hickory has a million docks and Priest doesn’t have any other than the marinas. I prefer fishing PP, but Old Hickory is practically across the street.
That’s the truth….it’s seems like it gets worse every summer too.
Don’t get me wrong…. I like to have a good time on the lake and realize wake boats are fun.
They’re not as big of a problem on Percy Priest due to the layout of the lake. Old Hickory has a million docks and Priest doesn’t have any other than the marinas. I prefer fishing PP, but Old Hickory is practically across the street.
I just can't see paying that much for a boat if you're going to tie it up at the back of the bay with seven other boats most of the weekend.

And on the etiquette thing... the last time I was out it was like people didn't think twice about cutting sideways across a channel without caring if anybody was coming at them. Just cause there isn't a yellow line doesn't mean you can go where you want.
If you're in a 100k wake boat and you're just using it to ride around and listen to music, buy a frigging pontoon. The lake I used to ski had a lot of big bays, there were always fishing boats that would intentionally set up to make it hard for skiers to turn and gesture at you to slow down every time you made a pass. On to an old man rant... nobody knows boater etiquette anymore.

That’s the damn truth, boater etiquette went out the window years ago. I try to stay away from the guys fishing unless they are in the channel and I don’t have maneuver room, the way I look at it is if your in the channel fishing you get what you get. What drives me crazy with the wake boats is when they run around with their ballast tanks full throwing up 3-4’ wakes and not pulling anyone then they’ll pull into a cove and start surfing with boats rafted up nearby. Jet ski kids do the same crap.
That’s the truth….it’s seems like it gets worse every summer too.
Don’t get me wrong…. I like to have a good time on the lake and realize wake boats are fun.
They’re not as big of a problem on Percy Priest due to the layout of the lake. Old Hickory has a million docks and Priest doesn’t have any other than the marinas. I prefer fishing PP, but Old Hickory is practically across the street.

I’ve never been on PP but on OHL the wake boats are getting out of control. We rarely ever go down to the Hendersonville end of the lake anymore because of them, I’ve got a 6000lbs 27’ bow rider and the dang wakes will still beat you to death. We go up river to hidden cove, Bledsoe or even up to some coves by the 231 bridge to get away from the people.
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I’ve never been on PP but on OHL the wake boats are getting out of control. We rarely ever go down to the Hendersonville end of the lake anymore because of them, I’ve got a 6000lbs 27’ bow rider and the dang wakes will still beat you to death. We go up river to hidden cove, Bledsoe or even up to some coves by the 231 bridge to get away from the people.
The last couple of years we’ve been putting in at Flipper’s and cruising up to Spring Creek and Hidden cove to drop anchor. We went a couple of Saturdays ago and had the whole cove to ourselves
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The last couple of years we’ve been putting in at Flipper’s and cruising up to Spring Creek and Hidden cove to drop anchor. We went a couple of Saturdays ago and had the whole cove to ourselves

Some friends of ours tow all the way from Hendersonville to Flippers to put in every weekend. They’re less than a mile from Avondale but still go all the way down to Flippers.

We love Hidden Cove, most of the azzholes can’t find it.

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