Official Jon Gruden Thread 33

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Nooooooooooooo. He is a wonderful man. Olevolfan was claiming that he had him as a connect and that he was confirming gruden is coming for a fact because boosters told him while backstage. This is a lie.

Yeah...I know he is a huge Vols fan...I have met him many times! He is gonna be huge!!! I just wish Garth could get him a record deal. I almost passed out when his name came up in all of this the other night. I almost txt his manager to check it out....but I thought better of it.
I’m just trying to make sense of this and maybe someone can enlighten me. Are we still under the assumption jones was told after ga that he would not be retained next year and that the recent losses just moved the time frame up? Was that the reason for official visits moved to the Vandy game? Could it be that Currie knew all along that his new coach would be announced by then and that’s the reason for moving the visits? If so that means that the “hire” of the new coach is much rather along then just starting yesterday and that maybe a deal is done and insider info is running a couple weeks behind?

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Here you go coaster..


Nice !!!!
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Personally, I feel like Currie and crew are just waiting for a phone call from Gruden right now. If Gruden really cares about Tennessee, I expect that call to come soon. If he's accepted, great. If he decides he doesn't want the job, Currie can move on to the next candidate.

I understand that line of thinking, but I personally think he's already signed on the dotted line. I seen something on here that made it all come together. JMO and no, I won't share what it was. I could be TOTALLY wrong.
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Guys, I will do my best to mine some info out of Brent when I see him this evening. If he knows anything, hopefully he will spill the beans.
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Glad to know we will have your mental capacity on our side today.

Did you read the article I posted? It is possible that we are all (Gruden and UT included) just pieces of the overall puzzle. What is confusing about that though is why would they let us know?

I have not read that but will try to as time permits. I have to take my son to the doctor at 9:30 CST, so I'll be out of the loop for a little while this morning. Trying to read context into what you said and not knowing about the article, I think we are informed because we are an integral component. Our voices and desires will drive the return UT gets on it's investment (HC). I believe we are being used as a pawn on all fronts; our leverage is more powerful than we sometimes realize. I also believe we've been bombarded with a substantial amount of disinformation, some for laughs, others for clarification on desireable future moves. The UTAD fully understands that they do not want to piss us off, further diminishing their ROI.
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Ok guys been doing some digging late last night and early this morning. Myself and a couple others were really intrigued by a quote that Beav used earlier in his career at VN. That quote lead us to an article that was written in 1997 about a business deal to acquire some land out west. There were several items in this article that has been referenced throughout this thread. This property was bought by a Maryville native in 1997 and then a part of it was purchased by a very prominent TN booster (name on buildings booster). I then found out that this booster also has three private jets in his name. Only one of the three planes are able to be tracked. I have tracked the flights starting back in mid October. I will list the destinations the plane has went but not the screenshot of the flight plan due to the departure location (I DO NOT WANT TO OUT ANYONE)
Nov 10 Nashville and Fort Lauderdale
Nov 5 Palm Beach
Oct 30 Atlanta, New Orleans, Baton Rouge
Oct 28 Memphis
Oct 22 South Bend, Ruston Regional (very close to Grambling State?)
Oct 20 Baton Rouge, Ruston Regional, South Bend, back to Ruston back to Baton Rouge
Oct 13 Palm Beach
Oct 6 Baton Rouge, Tri-Cities

These may all be business trips, but the one that really stands out is Oct 20 and 22.
Ruston, LA is a very small town and is only a few minutes from Grambling State University. I am going to post a list of their football staff and see if anything rings a bell with you guys.
Broderick Fobbs Head Football Coach
Eric Dooley Offensive Coordinator/Wide Receiver Coach (no relation to Derrick)
Everett Todd Defensive Coordinator / Defensive Line Coach
Terrence Graves Linebackers/Special Teams Coordinator
Reginald Nelson Offensive Line Coach
Kendrick Nord Quarterback Coach
Lee Fobbs Running Backs Coach
Darrell Kitchen Tight Ends Coach
Brian Ware Safeties Coach
Quentin Burrell Corner Backs Coach
Michael Armstrong Director of recruiting
** this is all speculation and I have zero connections just trying to sniff through clues**

Ruston is LA Tech territory isn’t it.
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