Official Jon Gruden Thread 33

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I’m just trying to make sense of this and maybe someone can enlighten me. Are we still under the assumption jones was told after ga that he would not be retained next year and that the recent losses just moved the time frame up? Was that the reason for official visits moved to the Vandy game? Could it be that Currie knew all along that his new coach would be announced by then and that’s the reason for moving the visits? If so that means that the “hire” of the new coach is much rather along then just starting yesterday and that maybe a deal is done and insider info is running a couple weeks behind?

I absolutely agree that the coaching search is much farther along than just starting yesterday.

It has been obvious since the 14th of October (loss to USCe) that a change in head coach was happening. Only question from that point on was "when."

That's when Currie's search started, more or less. I mean, every good AD keeps a little black book with names of coaching candidates of interest, but that's not a real search. After the 14th of October, the actual search began. Phone calls to gauge interest, feelers out, lining up university leadership and boosters, etc.

That doesn't mean that Currie picked "the guy" between 14 October and 12 November, only that he got a good leg up on the process.

That gives him a big (whole month) running start. At this point, he's way down the road in (1) picking and (2) getting his guy. Our new head coach.

To figure it out any further than that, we're just going to have to wait for the announcement.
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lulz ....... but no
Someone here needs to verbally abuse me...
Go ahead and rape my brain.
I deserve it because I ventured onto the WNML airwaves to hear what state run radio is saying.
First thing I hear is a caller asking about Gruden.
The smarmy host Brian Rice said...”if people want to hang onto the totally unrealistic idea of Gruden coming here, that’s their business I guess”....Ainge backed that up.

What the hell did I expect? I’m a dumass.
So, here, go ahead and kick my :moon2:
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Other food for thought, and this may have already been said and I've missed it:

The stalking horse could pertain to agents. Just how, though, could be more convoluted than JFK's murder, but it makes as much, or more, sense than Gruden or VC. Sssterry mentioned the Beave, and he could be right. The Beave has operated under full anonymity and has taken all measures to preclude his identity from being known. This, in turn, begs the question, who is the Beave? Not what's his name and who does he play golf and drink scotch with, but is he a paid informant, or is he neck deep in the interwoven webs of Ergen and his mission?
I am unable to keep this up long term. The only reason I am in this deep is that this is a finite puzzle. Eventually we have a new coach announced. And the timeline for that is relatively short. My OCD is why I don't get into fantasy football or recruiting. It would consume me.

i told my wife yesterday that this is probably unhealthy for me, but i feel like i need to see it thru. furthermore, i told her that it would be over in a couple more weeks or so.

it sounded stupid to say it out loud, but she gets it.

does that make me crazy?
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I don't suppose there was an update on the Gruden family meeting? Doubtful, but I thought I may have missed it.
Other food for thought, and this may have already been said and I've missed it:

The stalking horse could pertain to agents. Just how, though, could be more convoluted than JFK's murder, but it makes as much, or more, sense than Gruden or VC. Sssterry mentioned the Beave, and he could be right. The Beave has operated under full anonymity and has taken all measures to preclude his identity from being known. This, in turn, begs the question, who is the Beave? Not what's his name and who does he play golf and drink scotch with, but is he a paid informant, or is he neck deep in the interwoven webs of Ergen and his mission?

This has been my single mission for weeks.
Someone here needs to verbally abuse me...
Go ahead and rape my brain.
I deserve it because I ventured onto the WNML airwaves to hear what state run radio is saying.
First thing I hear is a caller asking about Gruden.
The smarmy host Brian Rice said...”if people want to hang onto the totally unrealistic idea of Gruden coming here, that’s their business I guess”....Ainge backed that up.

What the hell did I expect? I’m a dumass.
So, here, go ahead and kick my :moon2:

They're in morning because Butch is gone
It means currie gets full blame and/or full credit for the hire.

Beyond that, that would mean a huge portion of the AD's resources would be dedicated to this purpose. That's a lot of man hours to devote for an AD at major university. Doable, but very time and resource consuming when it needs to be done ASAP because of the recruiting angle. That's why I find it way more than likely they have it wrapped up with whoever it is.
i told my wife yesterday that this is probably unhealthy for me, but i feel like i need to see it thru. furthermore, i told her that it would be over in a couple more weeks or so.

it sounded stupid to say it out loud, but she gets it.

does that make me crazy?

I've been telling Mr. SFD the same thing for as couple of weeks now.
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In this insane snowflake that we call yellow, you truly don't know what's happening or cooking. You drive, you walk, you color, you jump but everything leans toward oceans, or even firetrucks. Who knows, maybe it's time for shiny elevators to have a yard sale.
One thing I think has gone unmentioned for awhile is the fact that according to everyone in the know Currie, Fulmer and Peyton are the ones that have to sign off on this hire.

I believe those three have the backing of the admin.(of course they have the final say so) and the boosters and nobody is going to be named coach without their signing off on the hire. Time will tell but hearing that Currie likes this guy or that guy he has to get the blessings so to speak of the other two or all will not be well on the hill.
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