Official Jon Gruden Thread 33

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I live on the coast of NC in Wilmington, and this weekend Gruden did not appear anywhere here to my knowledge. Anyone else not see him? All this is helping me form the opinion that CJG is a lock at UTK.
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He could have contacted both. He just said he knew 100% that he contacted at least one of them. Tuesday has been saying that Tee has been contacted twice now, but has also said that he's wanting to be a HC and should have opportunities to be one next year.
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The stalking horse is not the deception of the idea itself, but the deception of who the idea is coming from.

Beav is stating he has been put out by the individual with the real power, to bring claims of Gruden to the masses to cause a reaction. What does this do? It puts pressure on those against the idea, because now the idea exists in the public. The idea Gruden is coming and nothing else will be accepted.

If the deal falls through, well, Beav takes the heat from the masses, but the powers that be do not.

If it goes through, the powers that be accomplished their task, and they can either choose to come out and claim the idea as their own, or remain in the shadows.

This. But there may be more if we are to believe concep.

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I’m all in on the Gruden train, but heard this morning on the Dan Patrick show that it wasn’t likely and that Tampa may be the player here. He said Tampa was honoring him on December 18th in Tampa for his Super Bowl championship. I’m worried about Tampa.

We will know before Dec 18 whether we need to be worried about NFL. Currie will not wait that long. NFL teams won't even start their process (other than back channel to gage interest) until after last game of year because of Rooney Rule
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I get the feeling things are about to go really quiet on the information from either side.

I'm in total agreement. I'm afraid this thread will go nuts. I think JG would like to get his coordinators in line prior to announcing and they just might still be coaching. The DC I'm favoring had a helluva showing in the SEC Sat. With that being said could be between end of regular season and before SECCG. We just have to monitor the AD. The less activity we see the more it confirms the deal is done.
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It sure would give ol' Beav an out if another coach is named, though. "I was just pushing Gruden out there to take your eyes off of the real target."

C'mon. All this super secret BS is ridiculous. "I know someone...who is an insider and he told me some stuff but I can't say anything...but I will leave a series of clues and riddles for you to solve along the way....cuz I am important and know stuff...but you must play my game and believe me. And no...I can't tell u who I really am...or who I know....but let's just say...I'm kind of a big deal".
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