Official Jon Gruden Thread 33

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I've said this once, but I'll say it again. The same people that say Gruden will never happen, are the same people who will say he can't coach once we get him. Write it down. They'll instantly become a Gruden hater and will want him to fail so that they can say "I told you so".

100% see this coming
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Gruden could be announced tomorrow. Finish tonight’s game and then Come on over. Fits within Currie’s desire for a fire/hire in 48 hrs and JG is close by. Probably wouldn’t get to use his rapid reward points since there’s no SW into McGhee Tyson but...

Please oh please football gods let this happen
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Grude Afternoon, Grudenites!!

After plenty of sleep and rest, I’m feeling much better today...Just got caught up on all the Grumors..Wow, if you don’t believe Jon F’n Gruden is coming now, then I’m not sure what to tell you...It’s happening, folks..

Thank you for all the nice sentiments and prayers last night..They could really be felt..One of the many reasons that I love this place..We are like one big Grudenite Family...



I'm glad that you are feeling better. I know that fibro is a terrible thing to have. Most people can't fathom the difficulties associated with fibro. God bless.
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Have no idea who cam winfree is. If he says he got it off reddit then someone is taking information from VN and putting it on there. Don't know how it went from VN to reddit back to VN that quick.


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I agree at this point but a few weeks ago I would have bet $10000 and given 10-1 that we have no chance. In 2012 everyone I knew in the AD and in the media thought from the beginning it was a done deal then out came Butch and everyone was like WHAT?

This time around it has been tight lipped other than some Boosters with loose lips and assumptions BUT in the last 48 hours things have come to light that make me think it is more possible now than ever.

I believe these things to be true:

Gruden is the first choice and is considering an "offer"
Gruden is reaching out to potential staff
Gruden is buying a house here for sure either way
Mainstream media starting to give the narrative validity
People I know who laughted and scoffed at the idea just a few weeks ago now are saying things like "50-50" and "Likely".

I REFUSE to get sucked in like I did in 2012. I do not believe it is done but I am better than 50-50 that Gruden will have to turn down a MUCH better offer than he almost took in 2012 with a much better situation.

I am almost there in believing but have been burned BAD in the past so again, when John introduces Jon I will celebrate. Until then I will just hope.....

Fair enough.
Gruden is the overwhelming hope and desire of the VOL fan community. He knows this, he sees this, and I believe he is confident in his ability to return this program to prominence. I don't see how you say "no" to those fans, especially if you are a fan of the program yourself.

There are other potential hires that would no doubt be a step up, moving the program in a positive direction. I am sure there are threads for those candidates. The level of excitement for those folks absolutely pales in comparison to the fervor for Gruden.

There is nothing like Grudemania brother. Gruden To The Hill.

This could be the very reason he says no. Expectations are already sky high. There really isn't a way for him to meet fan expectations except win 100 games in a row or something. And then if we lost to UF right afterward fans would be screaming for his head.
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I may be behind on all the info, but regarding Gruden if he was going to take the job how does the timeline really pan out with his contract with MNF? When could he actually be announced if hired?
DISCLAIMER: I'm full Gruden. I've been full Gruden since 2012. I was very disappointed when Lyle Jones was named our head coach. I'm elated that he no longer occupies space on The Hill.

I keep hearing Frost from different people (here and other places). I do not want him clad in sweet Tennessee orange. Scott Frost is Lane Kiffin 2.0. Hear me out...

Up-and-coming offensive mind. The hot name on the coaching circuit "this year", with deep ties to a blue-blood college football program (Nebraska). And... if the Huskers job opened up, don't think he wouldn't pull a Kiffin and bolt after one season.

Just say "NO" to Frost. Gruden to The Hill. Soon...

I don't think Frost wants to go to Nebraska, as difficult as that is to fathom. My brother brought up and excellent point which is, Nebraska simply doesn't have access to the kind of talent pools it did when Frost was a player and more over, Frost knows it. With the move to the Big 10, Nebraska has essentially given up any stake it had in talent from the southwest since they no longer play football games in that region. Not every legacy has to go home, Peyton could have gone to Ole Miss and no one would have thought less of him for it, but he chose to do something else, I think Frost wants to do something else. That being said... Soon.
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