Official Jon Gruden Thread 33

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I've said this once, but I'll say it again. The same people that say Gruden will never happen, are the same people who will say he can't coach once we get him. Write it down. They'll instantly become a Gruden hater and will want him to fail so that they can say "I told you so".
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Huge difference between leaving UT for USC which has location, recruiting, and recent success vs UT to NEB which is a s**thole. If we get Frost he only leaves if we fire him or he goes to the NFL.

I understand your point, but I think you're supremely underestimating his desire to right the ship in Nebraska. He played for Tom Osborne, who he calls his "hero". If he returns to Lincoln and returns that program to its former glory, they'll build statues of him and every baby will be named Scott for years to come. LOL!
I'm still working through a lot of this right now. Concep really laid it out, but I'm trying to figure out what the motives are for the different parties involved. The biggest question mark I have is why were we drug into it.

Let me know if you would like some help, this really intrigues me!
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I'm gonna be completely honest. Anyone but Gruden will have me upset. This is a match made in heaven. People can say all the negative things they want. The truth is this guy will make an immediate impact that has every other program scared to death. Including Nick Saban and the tide.

Kelly, Frost, and Mullen would all be good 2nd tier options. But no-one would do what Gruden has an opportunity to do. Put it this way, if Gruden went somewhere else in the conference we would be in serious trouble if we had one of those 2nd tier guys.
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I've said this once, but I'll say it again. The same people that say Gruden will never happen, are the same people who will say he can't coach once we get him. Write it down. They'll instantly become a Gruden hater and will want him to fail so that they can say "I told you so".

They'll be miserable little turds cause we will be winning
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Gruden could be announced tomorrow. Finish tonight’s game and then Come on over. Fits within Currie’s desire for a fire/hire in 48 hrs and JG is close by. Probably wouldn’t get to use his rapid reward points since there’s no SW into McGhee Tyson but...
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Lot more substance. Coming from a lot more directions. You're seeing the media incrementally working it into their narrative.

I agree at this point but a few weeks ago I would have bet $10000 and given 10-1 that we have no chance. In 2012 everyone I knew in the AD and in the media thought from the beginning it was a done deal then out came Butch and everyone was like WHAT?

This time around it has been tight lipped other than some Boosters with loose lips and assumptions BUT in the last 48 hours things have come to light that make me think it is more possible now than ever.

I believe these things to be true:

Gruden is the first choice and is considering an "offer"
Gruden is reaching out to potential staff
Gruden is buying a house here for sure either way
Mainstream media starting to give the narrative validity
People I know who laughted and scoffed at the idea just a few weeks ago now are saying things like "50-50" and "Likely".

I REFUSE to get sucked in like I did in 2012. I do not believe it is done but I am better than 50-50 that Gruden will have to turn down a MUCH better offer than he almost took in 2012 with a much better situation.

I am almost there in believing but have been burned BAD in the past so again, when John introduces Jon I will celebrate. Until then I will just hope.....
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I've said this once, but I'll say it again. The same people that say Gruden will never happen, are the same people who will say he can't coach once we get him. Write it down. They'll instantly become a Gruden hater and will want him to fail so that they can say "I told you so".

They should be humiliated off this board for the way they have treated people. Both in 2012 and now.
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I've said this once, but I'll say it again. The same people that say Gruden will never happen, are the same people who will say he can't coach once we get him. Write it down. They'll instantly become a Gruden hater and will want him to fail so that they can say "I told you so".

Seems like that has been happening in DC for 100 years or more. Can’t we all work together!? Lol...
One of my very best friends was a long haul trucker for 35 years. They avoid major traffic jams. They avoid certain interstate areas in general if possible.

I don't know that they are team driven and feel that they almost assuredly aren't, as that is very rare, especially at a time when ESPN is laying off people right and left. Why have two people to do the job that one can easily do?

I hardly think I'd call using real world conditions such as avoiding a massive traffic mess as dismissing logic, while thinking a company sent it's trucks somewhere as a troll job as logical.

I’m 20 pages behind, but had to pop in right here and say the discussion on the MNF trucks today is missing the context of what was originally said about them. The OP said he heard they were here in town doing a story on Gruden moving to Knoxville.

Now, it’s probably BS, I’m sure. But they could possibly have filmed a quick story with Gruden and then moved on to Charlotte as this was Wednesday and it doesn’t take 5 days to get to Charlotte.

So, it’s disingenuous for anyone to say we thought Gruden was riding around in the trucks. We were just speculating if the MNF trucks were here for more than just passing through town.

So, I’ve said my peace, I’ll go back to reading now.
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Time to put this to rest. Gruden is not coaching again, especially not in college. He has been out of coaching a long long time now. He is 53, has a super gig on MNF and with all his endorsements from that job, paid more than most coaches. Doesn't have to jet around the country trying to convince high school kids to sign up 24/7 in their living rooms or deal with alumni/boosters etc.. He has landed in the perfect no pressure no lose situation and his lifestyle is stress free. He isn't coaching college ball folks. Move on.

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Gruden is the overwhelming hope and desire of the VOL fan community. He knows this, he sees this, and I believe he is confident in his ability to return this program to prominence. I don't see how you say "no" to those fans, especially if you are a fan of the program yourself.

There are other potential hires that would no doubt be a step up, moving the program in a positive direction. I am sure there are threads for those candidates. The level of excitement for those folks absolutely pales in comparison to the fervor for Gruden.

There is nothing like Grudemania brother. Gruden To The Hill.
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I’m good buddies with several people from silverdale Baptist and all 3 have told me Mitch rossell is not in the know. We graduated one year apart. Whoever is throwing his name out is not being truthful. If it is someone from silverdale that’s getting info it’s not him. He’s only repeating what he has heard if that.

I think the MR stuff is Matt Ramsey from the band Old Dominion.
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