I have loved watching XPO's growth. I was also in Logistics for a while and when I saw what you all were doing, i bought stock in low $30's. I don't think you have to worry about being in small parcel. If there is room for a 3rd provider after DHL's departure, then I would put my money on Amazon. Something tells me that with the network they are building, its only time before they begin moving packages. That would be a way to subsidize their own shipping which is a margin killer.
Thanks for your service to all the vets that are here. I admire and respect you guys. I have 2 uncles that are Marines and have heard several horror stories about Paris Island, South Carolina and have always respected the hell out of those guys.
IKR? Were already so lost during these breaks! What will I do without Danerys and Jon Snow and what will happen to House Stark?
Lol. But I digress. Havent read the books but theyre on my list!