The road to wellness starts with chiropractic care.
Everything in the entire body is controlled by nerve flow. Messages from the brain, sends signals down the spine, then through spinal nerves then those nerves branch off to different target areas in the body.
Just like the skull protects the brain, the vertebrae that makes up the spine, protects the spinal cord.
The opening that the spinal nerves exit the spinal cord are made of two vertebra coming together, one above and one below. Some times vertebra will get misaligned and cause subluxations, intervering with the nerve flow. Our bodies will either correct the subluxated vertebra or adapt to the subluxated vertebra. When we adapt, thats when things can cause problems, over a long period of time, ie muscle strain, disc problems, symptoms of problems.
Pain is like a check engine light is in your car. It tells your something isnt right, but it doesnt tell you exactly was wrong.
Chiropractic isnt just for relieving back pain or neck pain, it helps with overall body function as well.