OK Fonzie, I have read quite a bit on here for the last 4 years and the people that stated things that was the most accurate were most of the ones giving us info in here. But lets move up to now, the info that you should have read in the last forum and continuing into this one has started to be confirmed by local and national media. Eric Ainge has been dropping hints for a week now that CDD is probably gone next week, Tony Basilio posted it on his website as well as talking about it on his show, Chris Lowe of ESPN has statedthe same thing on his reports as well as live broadcasts on 104.5 the zone in Nashville, even Jimmy Hyams acknowledged Friday that there is aa real good chance that CDD is gone after SC game.
OldVol, Boro-vol, Jayvol, Little DTO, Bcartervol98, and a few others are Reputable posters. You sir, just like the rest of us in this country have the freedom to believe in something or not to. No one here is trying to convience you otherwise. Also in case you have'nt noticed, there is no prize for having the most accurate info on this forum, so get over yourself! No one died and made you the forum police! No one is force feeding you anything! If you don't like whats being said here than get the HELL out!!!!!!!!! But sir you will stop taking swipes at people that have proven to be reputable and are willing to share information! Oh and by the way in your statement above the term is "vouch for" not "vogue"!