Remember exactly where I was when I heard it. Breaking news during the Dan Patrick show.
I knew it was time and I was for it , but I can't say I wasn't sad. It was a weird day. I didn't know how I felt when it happend. It was the unknown I guess. I like Dooley as a person , but I won't feel down at all when he is fired. He walked into a no win situation , but he has given us nothing to be proud of.
I can't sleep. Ov threw out a bone about checking into things....then Tom Hanks would say "I just gotta keep breathing because tomorrow the sun will rise. You never know what the tide could bring in"--(Gruden 2012)
If it is at least true that UT will do everything it can, then that would at least be proof that the program will one day find its man, even if it's not today and not CJG.
Seen your post earlier about "CJG" taking over this year. That was talking about Jay Graham, not Jon Gruden. I know it gets confusing sometimes.