I have way too much to do with work to be wasting my time or yours. When I hear something I post it, not for e-cred but to share info and try and figure out what is going on. Thats what a forum is, an anonymous sharing of ideas. I could never do it on facebook, people do not trust you if you name names. Its the anonymity here that allows free exchange of ideas and information.
I have never understood people that go out of their way to call others out over things they obviously know nothing about. And let me be clear, if your position is that "John Gruden has not been contacted and would never come here" it is obvious how clueless some people are. I have no direct information about the offer or conversation but would state my life it has and is happening.
And the Randy Shannon thing, lol if they knew how close it was to happening and what kind of falling out it caused between Dooley and Hart, and how close it was to happening regardless. Lets just say someone I know already had his vehicle set aside by request of the Director of Transportation for him, what HE asked for. It was literally an 11th hour snag that cost us a great DC, and Dooley had his hands all over it. It cracks me up to hear people say "Well Shannon was a done deal too" when it was so close to being done they already had his vehicle lined up.