You have to be realistic as far as the university is concerned. One small agenda item means little, but could be the start of something bigger. These things have been discussed for a while from within, but they take a long time to iron out. UT may be a university, but it is as much a bureaucratic mess as any government in this country.
What I am saying is that I don't believe the academic issues and control issues are that big of a deal. Are they important? Sure, but UT isn't Vanderbilt and isn't trying to be. I would think the boosters and AD could promise enough control under the current system with the promise to revisit the issues formally in the future in a way that could convince a good coach to come here, IF the money is right. Remember, there is a price for everything. How many players has Cheek's policies really cost the program? Two or three? That isn't the difference in winning and losing to a coach like Jon Gruden. Program impacting players don't have these kinds of issues anyway.