I understand where you are guys. I really do!! If I was in your position, I would probably be questioning things just like you are.
Some of you already know this, but for those that don't, THIS IS NOT BASED SOLEY OFF ME AND MY INFORMATION. I follow the same unspoken rules that all the CSI's do. Nothing is leaked unless it can be verified, and what I mean by that is, does this info match up with the other CSI's. I have been the first one with info and I have also used my info to verify what the others were hearing. Believe it or not, I was not the first and certainly not the only one, to get info on the Tuesday, Wed. announcement!! I posted the thread, but there was another guy who had the info 2 hours before I did.
There are a few of you that know or think you know who my source is and I can understand that being questioned as well. If I could tell you the entire story on how it came about, you would understand. I have been where you are in every announcement leading up to this one. I have felt every emotion you are feeling, so I feel obligated to keep you updated as much as possible. I am sorry guys, but I can't post any more info than I already have and truthfully have probably said too much as it is.
If you want to continue to bash me and question my info that is fine. I am 100% confident in what I know, otherwise I would not have posted my real name and hometown.
Gruden will be our next HC, it is only a matter of when!!!