It seems like just when I want to believe the info on here, something else is posted that gives me pause for concern.
A lot of people misread the other side during negotiations and think a deal is done when the other side is walking out the door.
For those that care, Jim Gumm on ESPN radio 105.1 here in Chattanooga just said, and I'm paraphrasing, "I just believe in my heart that Jon Gruden is gonna be the next head coach at Tennessee. I just believe it guys. Its gonna cost UT a lot, but its gonna be worth it."
For those that care, Jim Gumm on ESPN radio 105.1 here in Chattanooga just said, and I'm paraphrasing, "I just believe in my heart that Jon Gruden is gonna be the next head coach at Tennessee. I just believe it guys. Its gonna cost UT a lot, but its gonna be worth it."