Dave Hart needs to be fired with cause!
This ignorant, incompetent jerk is sitting on his butt doing NOTHING while Tennessee burns...why can't the UT Administration see that?
This man is the biggest con act of the college athletics world and somehow we hired this son of a b***!
If we lose Gruden it will be on his lazy butt and if we get him, it will be on the boosters because DAVE HART IS NOT DOING ANYTHING!!!
He is NOT a professional AD...he is a PROFESSIONAL LAZY PERSON that collects a paycheck and lets the world around him burn...
#FireDaveHart WITH OR WITHOUT the Gruden hire.
So the first line of Brent Hubbs morning report says "the stage is set for a press conference."
Huh??? According to AD we haven't done the first interview. Something doesn't fit, eh?
Either it's Gruden and Dave Hart is Pimpor he has created one of the worst PR moves in a while with the way this has been handled. I think he is a Pimp - we'll see.
He's only on there on Wednesdays