I think the OGs had some good information, but here's what I believed happened.
Something is keeping Gruden from taking the job right now. The best assumption is his commitment to ESPN.
The path Hargis was headed down all but pointed to a confirmed hire. It wasn't supposed to break this soon, and pretty much every "source" that had probably been getting good information got cut off in an attempt to not make this look like a done deal.
As soon as the Hargis article was about to break (and many knew it would - including Tony B's assistant - hence the twitter incident) all of a sudden- the OGs started getting bad news. Did that not scream fishy to anyone else?
Again, this wasn't supposed to break this fast. Hargis was about to knock this thing out of the park with no way to not make it look like a confirmed done deal, the AD finds out, does everything it can to make it look like there was a snag or not going to happen last minute, the diversions and distractions take place, and I highly suspect the OGs sources were somehow involved in this, whether to help slow it down or they, in turn, we're getting told it wasn't happening to make it appear dead/dying as well.
It's a conspiracy theory, I know - but looking at the facts it's the only thing that looks sensible to me right now. Too much contradiction from unnamed sources, too many media leaks trying to point our noses anywhere but Gruden, and the only factual, confirmed leak with a names behind it (Hargis), fits into this narrative I believe to a T.
I may be crazy, but it's been a fun mental exercise putting this together if nothing else.