ok people lets use are friggin brain here. these people who come on here and say its over are crazy! gruden if he is going to coach at the college level, it is going to be tennessee. why would he be interested in any other team?(no connections to anyone else really). second of all last i checked the tennessee job is the hottest on the block. i say media and UT ad had to quash the rumors and hype. if u know anything about legal contracts and binding agreements, u know what im talking about i donat have to explain it. the ad and gruden both need to hold the national media until one or both of two things happen:
-his last pay check is recieved from tampa bay.
-he completes his year at mnf. which is on dec 17.
i think this so called annoucement that people were talking about, its not coming soon. that is the point of squashing the rumors and to hold off media. think about it!!!!