Bruin ... He's getting hammered here because HE initiated the fight. I simply asked him why he was here if he didn't believe in the Gruden cause. He replied back that I was 'downing' him and silly crap about my world shrinking because of my narrow view (paraphrasing but that's about right). As another poster asked "what do you hope to gain out of this? Do you want us to tell you how smart you are?".
As I tried to explain, I'm not totally convinced Gruden will be our coach. I just look at the alternatives and they scare the hell out of me. As I said in a previous post, Gruden is our home run in many ways. Every other realistic candidate is an improvement over our last coach, but not enough to take us to the promised land. THAT'S why these good people are holding out hope. Because Gruden is our savior.
If you don't believe this, that's fine. But why venture into our forum and call us idiots for believing? Makes no sense.