This coaching search has been insane, I had to take a hiatus from this thread. This has been the most confusing search I can remember, here is my recap of the coaching search:
1. We have been talking to Gruden since spring, through Boosters. After the Florida loss, talks intensified to a boiling point after Miss. St. These talks got so serious that several reported a done deal. Memphis news said done deal, Chattanooga news said one small hiccup from being done. Reporters saying the entire time we never had serious convo with Gruden. Agent says the talk is fantasy and Gruden supposedly withdrew his name from a search he never "joined". Hope I didn't miss anything, crazy isn't it, it gets better or worse (from your perspective).
2. We interviewed Strong on Friday, but Louisville press says there was no interview. People close to him say it went well, but he doesn't comment. We supposedly are about to offer him, but we never spoke to him.
3. Mora wants this job, just like Gruden did supposedly. We have had phone calls, but we haven't...?
4. Davis is not a candidate, but he is the betting favorite for the job.
5. People want Tressel, even though he would be suspended the first 5 games of his tenure and we would be ineligible for a bowl that year...
6. Fedora interviewed last week, but reporters say no way he could have. But supposedly he interviewed at the same time as a high school coaches event...
7. Jones is a major candidate for this job, but he has accepted the purdue job, supposedly...
8. Fisher is suposed to interview today in NY, but reporters are saying he isn't interviewing or going to NY at all. We supposedly have an offer eady to go, but yet we aren't interviewing, him?
9. Fedora, Strong, Davis, Petrino, Mora and Gruden have all supposedly contacted UT about the opening, but we are having "trouble" filling the position.
This is long but this is why we need to hire a coach soon, this craziness has to end...