Hey lady, we still on for that drink?
I certainly believe Fulmer is a good guy ... have talked with him several times and always struck me as such.... I wonder what he and PM think of all this
Beaver latest
I said 100% chance Schiano would NOT be official - Every level above Currie and most power players would veto the hire. This is a damn fight, Vol Nation has to exert it?s influence (what I have been trying to do this entire time) to get the hire we all want.
My question is, why is there a need to fight for a coach that is a done deal?
I agree. if the deal was done, why do we have to exert any influence...
I actually fell for the Gruden mess again. This tweet tells me 2 things (a) Gruden has never been a done deal and (b) this isn't some smokescreen to make Currie the hero. I am embarrassed that I fell for it again.