Official Jon Gruden Thread XLVII

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For anyone watching the B1G game. They just claimed "a small portion of the UT fan base were vocally against the [Schiano] hire, so UT pulled the offer. I think that was wrong."

I wish they would get the facts right. It was the WHOLE fan base.

They are too dense to see the ultimate uprising. Deflect deflect deflect.

I honestly don't understand how some of these hacks have a job.
You are correct, it is a good read. My favorite part:

"We don't know if he'll accept after the Schiano fiasco," one completely pretend source said. "But we'll keep adding a million until we're all bankrupt."

I think my Grudeometer just broke.

That did it for me
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Hey folks, I just want to say that even though I dont reply a lot or have much to say, due to my lack of creativity i suppose, and I don't get many likes or responses, I just want to say that I have been having a blast just reading what everyone says. I have been on here almost non stop except when work doesn't allow it. I joined in 2012 amongst all the grumors and all the Gruden threads back then. I only recently started coming in here again about a month ago. Again, its been a blast. I am all in Gruden and I truly look forward to seeing UT back on top where it should be. Thanks.
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Good Luck with the ticket ... Do we need to start a thread for that? We can go in there and hide from the trolls.

I honestly don’t mind the trolls. Just feeds the conversation. Even if it’s just the same doubts every time.

You know what I do mind? When I click a thread on the front page, and it tells me I followed an invalid link. Mods are to fast merging. Most times I’m at work just trying to get a update, but don’t have time to sort through the entire coaches thread to find it.
Hey folks, I just want to say that even though I dont reply a lot or have much to say, due to my lack of creativity i suppose, and I don't get many likes or responses, I just want to say that I have been having a blast just reading what everyone says. I have been on here almost non stop except when work doesn't allow it. I joined in 2012 amongst all the grumors and all the Gruden threads back then. I only recently started coming in here again about a month ago. Again, its been a blast. I am all in Gruden and I truly look forward to seeing UT back on top where it should be. Thanks.

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Most won’t bite

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yep. they have been poaching way too much.

Higgins and Hunter Johnson hurt. Higgins looks like the real deal.

It's gonna get worse now that Tennessee is producing more and better talent. We need a coach that can lock this sob down.

Hey ape, side question. Can you recommend a good beginner acoustic guitar?
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Believe it was OldTimer75. Even showed us a picture.

When deerchumper said Gruden would be announced in 48 hours (by Friday, which was yesterday) another poster offered up a rifle, I quoted him and said if Gruden was announced by Friday I’d buy him the best deer rifle money could Gruden, No rifle. There may be a consultation prize offered up by OT if Gruden is announced.
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And then they should play one straight hour of the best versions of Rocky Top! Starting with the Osborne Bros, of course!

Still the best! They flat kill that song. Ruby too...especially when they were young. That song is brutal to sing at any age.
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Hey folks, I just want to say that even though I dont reply a lot or have much to say, due to my lack of creativity i suppose, and I don't get many likes or responses, I just want to say that I have been having a blast just reading what everyone says. I have been on here almost non stop except when work doesn't allow it. I joined in 2012 amongst all the grumors and all the Gruden threads back then. I only recently started coming in here again about a month ago. Again, its been a blast. I am all in Gruden and I truly look forward to seeing UT back on top where it should be. Thanks.

Higgins and Hunter Johnson hurt. Higgins looks like the real deal.

It's gonna get worse now that Tennessee is producing more and better talent. We need a coach that can lock this sob down.

Hey ape, side question. Can you recommend a good beginner acoustic guitar?

Go look at pawnshops for alvarez. Sometimes youll find an abnormally good sounding alvarez really cheap.
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I’m still sitting here waiting on this “super coach” to get any other offers. Maybe he has, and he hasn’t seen them.

The argument will be the Vol fans tainted him and no one else will touch him now because of us. Obviously that's why he's not being called for all these openings.
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