Official Jon Gruden Thread XV

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This morning on Basilio Charles Davis guessed that as between Gundy, Strong, and Fedora, that Gundy would be the most likely to end up at UT. He did add, however, that it could end up being someone outside that group.
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I don't know at this point. It's crazy all the stuff that's being said out there. I have gotten two calls in the last ten minutes saying that Charlie Strong has told some people he's staying at Louisville. I have not verification of that at this point.

So it could be setting for a wild afternoon.

Good grief.... ruckers response to any news is "Oh yea, I heard that." Guy is a real work.

Yep. Yesterday he RT'd an Erin Andrews tweet about Mora saying he'd "been hearing the same thing for a while." Did you see his tweet today saying "A memo to fellow sports media members today: When any of us mess up, all of us get stained. Please be careful." As if he's the keeper of standards for the sports media. Almost everything he posts/tweets reeks of an inflated sense of self-worth. The stain would have to spread far and deep to get any on him.
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This is the best breakdown I have ever seen.

It's funny how the topics flow throughout the day. Here is my final version of what transpired since this morning:

The Mayans accurately predicted 12/21/12 as the date of the Gruden hire.

We will pay him and his staff $10 million plus lifetime supply of Daper Dan hair gel.

Val Kilmer may or may not be part of Gruden’s staff at UT

UT is hiring L. Ron Hubbard or another yet to be named Scientologist for HC

Sal Sunseri is going to be the conditioning coach

Gruden will end up with skin cancer from all the time he spent in the tanning bed

Arky has hired a Gundy/Gruden mutant as HC named Grundy

Peterson has demanded more volcanoes to be located in Knoxville as part of a potential HC job

Hart wants to pay Gruden’s staff in Food Stamps according to Basilio

Chaney is a lock for UT HC with perfect record

Nike will be our new sponsor – total black uniforms and helmets to signify the mourning of the death of UT football

The South hates Catholics (except Gruden)

Tee Martin likes buffalo wings

Cheek is a Socialist bent on turning UT into a Liberal Zanadu

Norm Chow will be our HC

The new Nissan Pathfinders have an awesome ride (though arguably, ugly)

Some posters are having fish for dinner

Lovie Smith’s plane finally landed
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FORD ftw.

I like my powerstrokes but if I'm going to a gas burner the Eco-Boost is the way to go.

Ford pushed it to the limit. I watched all the videos they did with a random engine and put in a pick up.

I have's a beast and is closest thing you can get to a diesel engine by far.
Couple of things. I want my alma mater to be the best that it can be, and I agree that Cheek has to improve the university as a whole. However, I have never understood the heavy "research" agenda and trying to make a university a research institution. Research is not the real world. One goes to school to learn a trade or an area to get a job and make a living. Research is for pure academics. I just don't believe in all of that.

Second, UT was founded to first support its citizens within this fine state. UT is not Harvard, Princeton, or Yale, a school that is a dream for half of the kids in America. UT was built for TN kids. Now, the standards have improved, and I am fine with that. But, we should not lose sight in the purpose of our fine flagship institution. I will be very upset if the day ever comes that there are more students at UT who are from other states. Don't think it will happen, but Cheek must realize and understand the purpose of the school- not to create some destination for kids from all across the country. Along with this, UT football has been a fabric of the school's tradition, and it is a great marketing tool for the university as a whole.

Just my two cents, and no, I am not against education. I do happen to have a graduate degree.

I think the whole argument is ridiculous. Why can't you strive to be great at everything--academics and athletics included. Why does one have to be exclusive of the other?
Couple of things. I want my alma mater to be the best that it can be, and I agree that Cheek has to improve the university as a whole. However, I have never understood the heavy "research" agenda and trying to make a university a research institution. Research is not the real world. One goes to school to learn a trade or an area to get a job and make a living. Research is for pure academics. I just don't believe in all of that.

Second, UT was founded to first support its citizens within this fine state. UT is not Harvard, Princeton, or Yale, a school that is a dream for half of the kids in America. UT was built for TN kids. Now, the standards have improved, and I am fine with that. But, we should not lose sight in the purpose of our fine flagship institution. I will be very upset if the day ever comes that there are more students at UT who are from other states. Don't think it will happen, but Cheek must realize and understand the purpose of the school- not to create some destination for kids from all across the country. Along with this, UT football has been a fabric of the school's tradition, and it is a great marketing tool for the university as a whole.

Just my two cents, and no, I am not against education. I do happen to have a graduate degree.

This is a stance I have no problem with.
It's funny how the topics flow throughout the day. Here is my final version of what transpired since this morning:

The Mayans accurately predicted 12/21/12 as the date of the Gruden hire.

We will pay him and his staff $10 million plus lifetime supply of Daper Dan hair gel.

Val Kilmer may or may not be part of Gruden’s staff at UT

UT is hiring L. Ron Hubbard or another yet to be named Scientologist for HC

Sal Sunseri is going to be the conditioning coach

Gruden will end up with skin cancer from all the time he spent in the tanning bed

Arky has hired a Gundy/Gruden mutant as HC named Grundy

Peterson has demanded more volcanoes to be located in Knoxville as part of a potential HC job

Hart wants to pay Gruden’s staff in Food Stamps according to Basilio

Chaney is a lock for UT HC with perfect record

Nike will be our new sponsor – total black uniforms and helmets to signify the mourning of the death of UT football

The South hates Catholics (except Gruden)

Tee Martin likes buffalo wings

Cheek is a Socialist bent on turning UT into a Liberal Zanadu

Norm Chow will be our HC

The new Nissan Pathfinders have an awesome ride (though arguably, ugly)

Some posters are having fish for dinner

Lovie Smith’s plane finally landed

Classic! So True!
Just for the sake of argument. Let's say we cannot get Gruden, and we are getting turned down. At what place on the list do you see if Fulmer can pull a Bill Snyder and resurrect the program?

I wanted Fulmer fired when he was fired, too. But, if it comes down the Fulmer or some high school coach or Dooley 2.0, I think you have to go with the big guy.

Let's hope that Hart hasn't screwed this up and we get Gruden. But, if we don't, it looks like we are going way down the list.

If we don't get Gruden I would take Fulmer back no matter what people think. 152 and 52 and a National Championship is hard to argue with were we are now
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I'm not, but you seem to have a real problem understanding that Coach Peterson has been called a Scientologist because there was an author with the name Chris Peterson that wrote books on Scientology, otherwise you wouldn't be using wiki and cha-cha as source material to try and prove your point.

If you promise to be nice, I will take my foot off of your neck.
FORD ftw.

I like my powerstrokes but if I'm going to a gas burner the Eco-Boost is the way to go.

Ford pushed it to the limit. I watched all the videos they did with a random engine and put in a pick up.

You are exactly right Ford is the best truck on the market and that's coming from a competitor. That Eco boost is insane!!!!
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Couple of things. I want my alma mater to be the best that it can be, and I agree that Cheek has to improve the university as a whole. However, I have never understood the heavy "research" agenda and trying to make a university a research institution. Research is not the real world. One goes to school to learn a trade or an area to get a job and make a living. Research is for pure academics. I just don't believe in all of that.

Second, UT was founded to first support its citizens within this fine state. UT is not Harvard, Princeton, or Yale, a school that is a dream for half of the kids in America. UT was built for TN kids. Now, the standards have improved, and I am fine with that. But, we should not lose sight in the purpose of our fine flagship institution. I will be very upset if the day ever comes that there are more students at UT who are from other states. Don't think it will happen, but Cheek must realize and understand the purpose of the school- not to create some destination for kids from all across the country. Along with this, UT football has been a fabric of the school's tradition, and it is a great marketing tool for the university as a whole.

Just my two cents, and no, I am not against education. I do happen to have a graduate degree.

This x1000
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I like what you did there. I'm all for a Volnation Circle of Purchasing Influence. Keeping business in the family

My sister is the sales manager at secret city My dad is head salesman at Fox Chevrolet and Brotehr in law Sales manager at Ray Varner Ford
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