Official Jon Gruden Thread XV

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Since when did everyone put so much clout in Wes Rucker. This guy has been grabbing at straws for weeks and all of a sudden what he says means everything. Be patient and pay attention.

I'm trying. It feels like we just game out of the tunnel for the second half of the game. We haven't had much luck in the second half lately.
He said Haslett. It was around the 5 minute mark. I went back and rewatched it twice. The end is kinda muddled, but it's easy to hear it was Haslett instead of Haslam.

Now, with that said - I've noticed this all game too - something about his energy is off tonight. He sounds like the game's in its final minutes of a blowout instead of just approaching halftime. I've watched MNF religiously since the 80's, and definitely since he started doing it, and he's not nearly as high octane as he normally is. Could be anything, but just thought I'd agree with a few others who pointed it out.

Hope Cindy has been in his ear.
When Hart came to Tennessee last fall, he brought two administrators with him from Alabama, including Jon Gilbert, UT's executive senior associate athletic director and Hart's top lieutenant.

You have 3 Bammers running the program.

Knowing this pisses me off more then I can ever say.......:( I wanna give him benefit of the doubt but it all feels like the end result of some carefully planned Alabama revenge plot....
Gruden doesnt sound as excited and into it as he usually does.hes usually talks a lot more than Tarieco (sp) but i dont watch a lot of NFL either

I've noticed he hasn't seemed too thrilled the last few times.
Patrick you have bought into this gruden thing hook line and sinker. This thread said DD was fired after miss state. Did you believe that??

There is no credible evidence that Dave hart ever was prepared to keep DD if he went 7-5. Only Internet speculation.

The majority of Knox Sports Media have reported that. Not that they are credible.

I never said or intimated that I believed that Dooley was fired after miss state loss - however I think he should have been. Heck I think he should have been given the boot after the UK loss last year. And my uninformed thoughts about Dooley's coaching abilities as a whole were confirmed 100% this year!
I'll say this...

The LaMonte report, shook the TN world. And everyone had to go gather their thoughts and relax. IMO the time away from all this gossip has given everyone space enough to filter back through all this nonsense...And my guess is, thoughts have come full circle.

I know mine has. None of it makes sense, yet it all makes sense.

totally agree just to much heat around the issue and they had to come out and say something had to quiet all the gruden rumors that way they could work behind the scenes. He may very well want to come into this situation with a staff already assembled and the best way to do that would be travel around on espns ticket and get his staff together i'm not saying that i know that for a fact but its a possibility to much smoke around the issue and don't really know. I believe he will be walking across the stage to be announced the Tennessee HC soon though.
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