Picks for today: OSU/IU/KU/Florida/SDSU/La Salle/Miami/Creighton First good game of the day isn't until 7 Eastern, unfortunately. However Ohio/Iowa State follows some patterns of past 10 over 2 upsets so I'll keep an eye on that.
Indiana/Kansas/Florida all look to be safe winners. Something about the way La Salle plays intrigues me a lot, plus Ole Miss's defeat of Wisconsin was entirely based upon Wisconsin having their worst shooting performance in seven years. Illinois either takes down Miami or loses by 25 depending on if they're on from deep or not. Duke defends the three well but is a terrible rebounding team even with Kelly. Don't know if Creighton's the right team to exploit that or not, but McDermott can score like crazy and Echenique is possibly the most underrated center in America. Duke loses early again, nation unfazed.