I would give anything to have a pro team from Tennessee win a championship. Don't care if it's the Preds, Grizzlies, or Titans. I just want to witness it and go to the celebration parade.
I've just started closely following hockey during the Preds playoff run and I absolutely lost my ish during this game. I know if I was having heart attacks I know the hard-core fans did so congrats guys. I'm making a promise to follow the NHL as closely as possible next season this game is exciting. I know nothing about the rules but its fun to watch as a newbie.
Bigger event occurring in the city, yes. (The 13-3 Titans' AFC Championship Game victory in 1999 was as the away team visiting the AFC Central Champion Jacksonville Jaguars)
Is this team making the Stanley Cup tonight bigger than the city's NFL team making the Super Bowl? Mmm...at this point, I have to disagree.
Though if they win the NHL finals, that might end up changing the comparison.