'24 OK EDGE Danny Okoye (OK commit)

I don't think so. I could see him being used like Tyler Baron at SDE possibly, and moving inside on obvious passing downs. I just don't see this kid ever being bigger than 275 max.

Exactly…IMO, Ross is a pure WDE…Lindstrom will be a SDE that could slide inside when needed, and Okoye is a WDE/SDE hybrid

247’s Freaks

“What's your morning routine looking like? Well, Danny Okoye starts every day with 300 push-ups. He then usually makes his way to the weight room where he's hex-bar deadlifting 750 pounds. In between, Okoye will mix in some weighted sprintsand a session on the punching bag.

Okoye by definition is a workout warrior, and one who has the attention of Alabama, Texas, LSU, Tennessee, Oklahoma and Colorado.

What makes Okoye even more captivating of a prospect is the fact that he's homeschooled and plays for the Northwest Oklahoma Association of Homeschools. Okoye is quickly going to become best friends with the strength coach wherever he signs.”

247’s Freaks

“What's your morning routine looking like? Well, Danny Okoye starts every day with 300 push-ups. He then usually makes his way to the weight room where he's hex-bar deadlifting 750 pounds. In between, Okoye will mix in some weighted sprintsand a session on the punching bag.

Okoye by definition is a workout warrior, and one who has the attention of Alabama, Texas, LSU, Tennessee, Oklahoma and Colorado.

What makes Okoye even more captivating of a prospect is the fact that he's homeschooled and plays for the Northwest Oklahoma Association of Homeschools. Okoye is quickly going to become best friends with the strength coach wherever he signs.”
Psssh sounds like my warm up.
Tulsa defensive lineman Danny Okoye will officially visit Oklahoma next weekend and then Texas the third weekend in September before rounding out his month with an official visit to Tennessee for the South Carolina game. Obviously things could change when a prospect goes on another campus but we continue to feel like Tennessee is in a good spot in this one.

247’s Freaks

“What's your morning routine looking like? Well, Danny Okoye starts every day with 300 push-ups. He then usually makes his way to the weight room where he's hex-bar deadlifting 750 pounds. In between, Okoye will mix in some weighted sprintsand a session on the punching bag.

Okoye by definition is a workout warrior, and one who has the attention of Alabama, Texas, LSU, Tennessee, Oklahoma and Colorado.

What makes Okoye even more captivating of a prospect is the fact that he's homeschooled and plays for the Northwest Oklahoma Association of Homeschools. Okoye is quickly going to become best friends with the strength coach wherever he signs.”
Having him on your team is going to elevate the work ethic of everyone around him. Really hope he becomes a vol.
Yes, Danny Okoye plays in a home school league, but definitely isn't viewed as a project. The only thing he will have to adapt to is the level of competition, but that's the case with every freshman in the country. The other Okoye (Emanuell) was first introduced to American football about a year ago. This kid is nothing like Dee Beckwith either. Beckwith was a physical specimen, but he was soft as Charmin and primarily a basketball player. If you watch Danny Okoye's highlights, he plays the game like a borderline sociopath.
Yeah. Project might not be the right word for Danny. He is super aggressive in all his films. You have to agree that there is a bigger adjustment to college football from a homeschool league vs a top end division in TN GA or FL.
That’s all I’m saying. And I believe that Danny will make that adjustment.
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Yeah. Project might not be the right word for Danny. He is super aggressive in all his films. You have to agree that there is a bigger adjustment to college football from a homeschool league vs a top end division in TN GA or FL.
That’s all I’m saying. And I believe that Danny will make that adjustment.
There is definitely a bigger adjustment, but his level of competition isn't much different than what Tre Smith faced on most weeks here in TN.
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There is definitely a bigger adjustment, but his level of competition isn't much different than what Tre Smith faced on most weeks here in TN.
I’d be lying if I said I knew the comparison difference. I have zero clue what the true level is other than the videos. Which are awful.
I’d be lying if I said I knew the comparison difference. I have zero clue what the true level is other than the videos. Which are awful.
His competition is definitely terrible, but about on par with 2A and a lot of 3A ball in TN. But like Trey Smith, this kid is a freak athlete and self motivated. He's doing Hershel Walker/Ray Lewis type personal workouts daily. I don't think there will be a tough adjustment period for him. His size, strength, speed, and motor translate to the SEC very well. So does his on field demeanor.
Assuming we end up signing Danny, has it been stated whether he plans to be an EE? I would assume being a homeschooled kid that he would probably be able to have that flexibility.
Yeah. Project might not be the right word for Danny. He is super aggressive in all his films. You have to agree that there is a bigger adjustment to college football from a homeschool league vs a top end division in TN GA or FL.
That’s all I’m saying. And I believe that Danny will make that adjustment.

I would be shocked if the competition he is playing is much different than East Tennessee Once you get past Knoxville.

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