Its just hard to argue with the statistics.
Win record of .417
0 wins against ranked teams.
Winless against SEC teams in Oct.
2-14 against SEC in his last two years.
Landed CDD as the number 1 worst coach at a large school ever. I am not attacking him personally, but as a professional he failed miserably at his job.
College Football
I was extremely disappointed with the Kentucky loss, however as bad as it was the entire 2012 season was more disappointing to me personally than the Kentucky loss.
The offense on the 2012 team was National Championship caliper. If the defense had been even half way decent that was a 10 win football team, if the defense had been as strong as Alabama's then we would have been National Championship contenders.
To critical of the professional Derrick Dooley nope the statistics speak for themselves. To critical of Derrick Dooley the person, very few on VolNation can really say as I would bet very few know him on a personal level.
Will I apologize for being critical of Derrick Dooley professional football coach absolutely not, the numbers speak for themselves. I genuinely hope he lands another college football job very soon, I am hearing rumors that Florida may need a replacement coach soon, and I would happily send him to them.