Oklahoma Suspends Two For Year

If you are referring to Mixon, it was not a domestic charge. In a public restaurant, he busted some woman's face, broke bones in her face. She stated that she did not know Mixon, had never met him.

What's your point? ...ray rice has a right to choke and attempt murder on his girl friend because they knew each other?
Their avi's can be gifs???? Freak! Get on it!

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Was mixon the no.1 player in the country. He was the class after dgb correct? How ironic they are now on the same team. However, how can a kid get kicked out of school and immediately be eligible wherever he wants to go. Seems like mixon would be better off having been kicked out completely. Then he could just go to Ohio state and play immediately
Was mixon the no.1 player in the country. He was the class after dgb correct? How ironic they are now on the same team. However, how can a kid get kicked out of school and immediately be eligible wherever he wants to go. Seems like mixon would be better off having been kicked out completely. Then he could just go to Ohio state and play immediately

DGB was outed at Mizzoo with cause. I don't see him playing this year. But, it is the NCAA.....................?
call me crazy but there is no way OU beats us as bad this year as Oregon did last year.

No, they will not. Different kind of animal. The ducks use speed, trickery, and tempo. They get their athletes out in space and either hope you have a mistake in technique or miss a tackle. Unfortunately for us last year, we had no speed at the second level, nor were we always in the right spot. Oklahoma plays more like South Carolina.
I can't believe some of the comments on that site. So many of them complaining "It was a f###ing misdemeanor." Unreal.

Disorderly conduct which can be the equivalent of annoying a cop just by walking by is a misdemeanor so is reckless driving (speeding with 10-15 mph over the limit) or Public Intoxication. Breaking someone's face isn't on the same level as those types of crimes which is what most normal people mean when they say 'it's just a misdemeanor'. Even a bar fight between two guys where the worst one does is split someone's lip or give them a shiner isn't on the same level as breaking their face or beating them to a bloody pulp even though those could all result in the same exact charge.

Even felonies are like this. Theft over a certain amount (which can be something as 'petty' as stealing someone's phone) can add up to a felony because that's often based on a dollar amount and in some states it can be an incredibly small amount. Possession laws are just as messed up. And yet those crimes do not equal breaking someone's face let alone breaking someone's face when you're substantially more powerful/stronger than the person you're hitting.

Call me crazy but I'd much rather have someone snatch my phone from a table while I'm at a bar than break my face regardless of whether the phone adds up to a felony but breaking my face is only a misdemeanor.
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Transfer to Louisville in 3...2....1...

I just love it when a plan comes together. If Mixon is that big a thug he will probably do something else stupid and may never play a down in college. I just don't understand these kids that just can't seem to get the big picture of the future they could have if they just buckled down and kept on the straight and narrow.
Just like the running back we had back in the late 90's that Fulmer told he would be a millionaire if he just followed his advice.
I don't think that included cocaine, but that's what got him booted. A real shame.
NCAA is running a two-for-one special this fall. Expect DGB to get his waiver application approved.
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I'll play devils advocate. I don't think the cops filed charges on rice, if they did i think they were dropped. I looked online to see, couldn't find the punishment. I have heard that she was hitting and kicking in the elevator then spit in his face. If that's the case, the law probably charged it as self defense, so the league probably couldn't suspend more than two games for hurting the image of the league.

Out of curiosity, forget about this case: what's the protocol: how many punches should a woman get before you slap the Shiite out of her?

Do you know what you tell a woman with a black eye? Nothing cause you already told her once!

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