was in heaven helping my son with his card collection and hope i can help pass it down o his two boys And his love for the Mets in the Doc and Straw daze caused me to stray from the Red Birds ever so slightly.
Our first MLB games together was a July series in Atlanta with the Mets, and we waited an eternity to get a Ron Darling autograph. It was nasty hot and I was impressed how Darling (on his bullpen day) signed autographs when most players hot-footed it off the field. Son became a Cardinal fan when he was in college in Memphis and family, the married into a family of Redbird fans in STL.
Weve made countless games there since 2000 and hope to get in some road trips tin the coming years. I was very jealous when he had tickets for World Series vs Texas, and we were the only Card fans when we toured Fenway the summer before the pandammit