It's only because their schedule is a joke. Their 6 wins will be:
Austin Peay, UMass, UAB, Missouri, Kentucky, and Wake Forest, and I only say WF because I'm assuming they won't be any good.
Roller coaster ride. Ending sux and i would love to kick a black bear in the nuts right now but they just made one more play. And hats off to them. Additionally there was a huge ole miss fan next to me. Great guy. Well in section L two a$$holes wearing UT kept walking by our us to get cokes, food etc... So every time i greeted them with whats up 41-18. At one point a$$hole #1 stopped and talked back. Before i could even get into it with him the old miss fan jumped that dudes butt. I laughed and they decided to not walk past anymore. Great fan and really knew his stuff. This one hurts and will for a while, but i feel most for APSU when we take some frustration out on them next week.
What are the chances Franklin gets in trouble for letting Matthews back in to play?