One Game you wished you'd seen in person/live

Exactly what it says on the tin. Which UT game in all of history do you wish you could've seen in person (or if you prefer, live on tv) that you were too young to remember, not born yet at all, or somehow couldn't see?

For me personally, I'd go with the Sugar Bowl where we trounced Miami in 86. I can't imagine how awesome that was to see in action, especially in that decade and time for Miami.

I disagree ...the Miami game was one I would rather be at home watching.....the announcers made that game so much better and then after the game......shotgun Stephens playing orange crush over and over....thirty five times in a row as his producer screamed at him to let him in....priceless
1985 UT vs Auburn. Bo Jackson (Heisman winner) vs. Tony Robinson ("I can throw it into the next zip code if I want to...") handed Auburn a defeat when no one (Keith Jackson) thought it was possible. I watched on TV (live) but I would have loved to be there.

Others..(all watched live)

1998 Championship
2001 at Florida
1990 at Notre Dame - Miracle at South Bend
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1986 Sugar Bowl. Watch it on TV but wish I could have been there.

I watched on TV as well. I remember one of the announcers, Munchburger I think, said "the rout is on after Miami scored first when Irvin caught a long pass. After TN went up 28-7, Munchberger says "the mighty Miami offense is about to explode." (Long time ago so I would have to the replay). The other announcer says "we'll they better start exploding because they are getting run out of here!" Something to that effect. TN scored again right after that to go up 35-7.
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Miracle at South Bend.

This. To young to have even seen it on tv but my dad had a tape of it synced with the john ward call that I watched when I was about 10 and would love to see it again but cant find the tape.

Or a vcr if I could find it lol. Jk

Edit, thought it was earlier in the late 80's. Proly saw it just don't remember it.
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The 98 National Championship.

Or the 09 Georgia game.

Was there for the 09 UGA game. It was glorious, dawg fans didn't know what hit em. Crompton's coming out party.

I would ve liked to had been at the national championship game.

I got to see 98 Florida game. Still the best one ever for me.
Miracle at South Bend.

I've seen a couple mention the 09' UGA game. I can tell you it was a classic. The look on the UGA fans face when Crompton got all Joe Montana on was priceless. I started barking at 7-8 UGA fans that were a few rows behind us. By the end of the 1st quarter about ten others joined me. EVERYTIME UT did something good, we would turn and bark. They left at halftime.
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1982 Alabama
1985 Auburn
1986 Miami--Sugar Bowl
1990 Notre Dame
1991 at Notre Dame (Miracle at Southbend)
2001 at Florida
2005 at LSU

Almost all the other big ones, I made... Sadly, it means there hasn't been many games I missed in person in the last dozen years and I've lived in New York for over 11 of them.
I seen the 98 Florida game on T.V. But I wish I could of been there to enjoy that night Knoxville was truly turned upside down on that one. I was two years old for the 86 sugar bowl would of loved to of been old enough to go and enjoy that one as well.
1986 - Miami (Sugar Bowl)
1991 - Notre Dame (Miracle at South Bend)

Watched both on TV, but couldn't attend.

I'll add something else on here.

Three of my favorite games that I attended were:

1998 - Fla. Neyland hasn't rocked like that in quite some time. 2004 against Fla it was loud, but not like this night. I can't remember a time when most of the stadium stood up almost the entire game. Yes kids, people did stand up almost the entire game.
1998 - Ark. After that game you knew UT was destined to win the title.
1999 - Fla St. National Championship. More of a relief than anything. UT finally had won it.
I was at the '09 UGA game, 3 rows above the UGA band. Awesome day, would loved to have went to the '04 or '06 game between the

I was at all 3 of those UGA games. '09 was great, but destroying their title chances in 04 after they just thrashed LSU was awesome. 06 was a great night dropping that half a hundo on them and coming back from such a big deficit.

My list:
'98 Florida game
'99 FSU game
'95 Bama Game
'01 Florida Game
'91 Miracle at South Bend. I was 9, but I remember watching it on TV and seeing that FG being missed.
Miracle at South Bend.

I've seen a couple mention the 09' UGA game. I can tell you it was a classic. The look on the UGA fans face when Crompton got all Joe Montana on was priceless. I started barking at 7-8 UGA fans that were a few rows behind us. By the end of the 1st quarter about ten others joined me. EVERYTIME UT did something good, we would turn and bark. They left at halftime.

Crompton deserves the accolades: we need to keep in perspective that some of these young men mature at different rates.

I like seeing these young men mature, especially when they have college eligibility at UT!
Any game from 1998 or before when Tennessee Volunteer teams got hit in the mouth and knocked on their behinds, yet stayed mentally and physically tough and found a way or made a way to endure through to a victory. In seasons of late, they do really well until something goes against them....a bad call, or a fumble, or a coach blowing an opporunity to be SEC savvy, then they fold in a gut wrenching way. That said, I think Butch has the trainwreck cleared and has the train rebuilding.

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