Ok let's be honest here guys. We can speculate all we want, but we have NO CLUE what's going on behind closed doors. But let's face it, the staff doesn't want to offer QB's just to offer them. And I'm sure they are 100 times better at watching film than any of us can ever hope to be. While we haven't garnered any commitments, can any of you tell me the last time we were in the final two to four schools for 5 or 6 top ranked QB prospects? We can't just magically sign whoever we want. Think of how tough the sell to TN is right now. New coaching staff, coming off 2 of our worst seasons ever, and playing in a powerhouse conference. Coming to TN is still pretty risky from the perspective of a QB. Brand new system with no guarantee of a turn around. Most of us here don't think about that because we know how special our staff really is. Unfortunately we can't expect kids who can go play just about anywhere to be knocking down our doors for a spot.
And whose to say one of these kids might not change their mind on down the road? If we noticeably improve on the field this year and look to be moving in the right direction, we will at the very least have the Top 2011 QB prospects seriously considering us.