O.K., IÂ’m goin to do this once and then move on in life. IÂ’m still fuming over the officiating last night. They cost us that game. You can go on about the O line if you want to. You can go on about bajakian if you want to, about worley if you want to, about the running game if you want to. Truth is we could have and should have won that game. You guys are simply looking for someone or something to blame. ThatÂ’s allÂ…just looking for something to place the blame on. Our Oline was outstanding! You are talking about high school kids that got plucked off the high school field and thrown into the game against what is probably the nations best D. They were OUTSTANDINGÂ…I think ONE penalty all night. We knew it would be a miss match from the start. Truth is they learned fast. They got the job done jusssst enough to get us in a rhythm once in a while and they did jusssst enough to give us a chance. What more did you want? Bajakian doesnÂ’t get it? OOOOOOO.KKKKKKKKK. You guys were the same ones calling for Jancek before the season. Look at what heÂ’s working with. The guy has an outstanding resume. All I hear on the radio is praise for bajakian when the games are being played. Truth is, a lot of you guys are out of touch with todayÂ’s game. ItÂ’s a different game guys. DonÂ’t go acting like you know better and if we had a running QB everything would be better. ThatÂ’s not what todays game is. ItÂ’s a very complicated variety of scheming that's designed to wear your opponent down over time. Not only is it possible for a young undersized team to go up against a bigger team and kick their butt, it happens all the time. ItÂ’s very likely with todays schemingÂ…you donÂ’t get it? exactlyÂ….you donÂ’t get it. So back the hell off and let these guys do their job.
We should have won that game last nightÂ…the officiating gave it to Ok because it was better for them, it was better for EasSPN, and it was better for the first NCAA playoffs. We were a couple of plays away from tying that game up, we could have done it with a few good calls and everyone knows it. So drop itÂ…move on. With the kind of experience we are giving these young men and the kind of young men they are, and the coaching we haveÂ…we are going to win a couple we shouldnÂ’tÂ…someone is going downÂ…this year.
Oh yeah, and Worley has run for downs in games, heÂ’s done it very effectively, but the guy had been hit enough right? He is probably concussed, and probably should rest a few games, but are YOU going to take the ball out of that manÂ’s hands and tell him thatÂ’s how his college career will end? NOPE, and I wonÂ’t either. So get it together. Straiten out your panties and calm the hell down.