
This really deserved its own thread? Jeez.

Yes. Absolutely.

She bashed Biden for a Trump statistic, then deleted it when it was pointed out that she screwed the pooch badly on it. No acknowledgement of the error. Shows just what a bobblehead she is.
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Yes. Absolutely.

She bashed Biden for a Trump statistic, then deleted it when it was pointed out that she screwed the pooch badly on it. No acknowledgement of the error. Shows just what a bobblehead she is.
She’s qualified to work at CNN
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Yes. Absolutely.

She bashed Biden for a Trump statistic, then deleted it when it was pointed out that she screwed the pooch badly on it. No acknowledgement of the error. Shows just what a bobblehead she is.
You've never made a mistake before?
Lawgator sometime in the future on his death bed...

Doctor: It doesn't look good. You've lived a long and prosperous life. What would you like people to remember you by?

Lawgator: But, Trump.

(This applies to most liberals)

Listened to but Obama for years. Let's not act like this is any sort of partisan issues. Both sides spend considerable effort deflecting instead of owning any problem or god forbid attempting to solve any problem.

Politics are nothing more than identifying a problem and telling you who to blame for it.
Listened to but Obama for years. Let's not act like this is any sort of partisan issues. Both sides spend considerable effort deflecting instead of owning any problem or god forbid attempting to solve any problem.

Politics are nothing more than identifying a problem and telling you who to blame for it.
Can't do it can you? Always have to point the finger back. You liberals make me laugh and laugh and then laugh some more. If you think the Obama stuff is on the same leavel as the "but Trump" then, ok.
Can't do it can you? Always have to point the finger back. You liberals make me laugh and laugh and then laugh some more. If you think the Obama stuff is on the same leavel as the "but Trump" then, ok.
There's still but Obama posted on this board daily. There's little difference
Can't do it can you? Always have to point the finger back. You liberals make me laugh and laugh and then laugh some more. If you think the Obama stuff is on the same leavel as the "but Trump" then, ok.

You're being willfully blind to your own finger pointing.
There's still but Obama posted on this board daily. There's little difference

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