
Most of them were in that group. Just more destruction the Democrats do so they (Dems) can blame Trump & the Republicans on. They even got you to believe it.


You're one of them.

Conspiracy theory. Proclaiming a truth without evidence and in the face of the evidence we do have.

If you saw the tape where a lot of supporters of America were just walking around not knowing where to go & carrying the American flag from room to room. How scary is that?
Everybody knows it's all Trump's fault that murders rose in 2020. It had absolutely nothing to do with the riots and especially the "defund the police" movement! Trump should have told the murderers to just stop, then everything would have been great! (Full sarcasm!)
If you saw the tape where a lot of supporters of America were just walking around not knowing where to go & carrying the American flag from room to room. How scary is that?

Wait, are you using the video of the botched attempted coup as proof that the left was running around in the Capitol making the trumpets look bad?

You've been gas lit by a nuke.
Imagine being so low IQ that you'd conflate me thinking Trump was a brain dead clown with being a liberal.

Pathetic is creating the dichotomy where those are the only two possible scenarios.

You're far less intelligent than I thought, and that bar was set below grade to begin with.
Plenty of that dichotomy from both sides. Been called a Trump humper a number of times by those more generally left because I point out their own fallacies.
Wait, are you using the video of the botched attempted coup as proof that the left was running around in the Capitol making the trumpets look bad?

You've been gas lit by a nuke.

Ever hear the word .... infiltration. Democrats did just that with the help of their own FBI squad. Democrats do terrible things to America & then turn around & go blame Trump supporters for the terrible things that they are doing to stay in power. It's called lying. You're one of many a big sucker that falls for it hook line & sinker all day each day.
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Just walking around with an American flag. That is like saying the BLM that participate in looting stores are just walking around peacefully.
It was never even in the same universe as the Trump stuff. The thanks Obama was more of a joke than anything. This Trump obsession is really pretty embarrassing for them.
It became a joke because he was getting blamed for everything. Just like the 'but Trump' stuff.
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Oooh, so scary. AOC even sh!t her pants & wasn't even nowhere close to it. Scary stuff....

So, just so we're clear. You are okay with these guys destroying public property and running through Congress with a Confederate flag? Thought you guys had patriotism on lock.
So, just so we're clear. You are okay with these guys destroying public property and running through Congress with a Confederate flag? Thought you guys had patriotism on lock.

Nope. Never said so. I said the Democrats & their FBI chosen squad were the ones that infiltrated the group & started most of it if not all of the destruction .... so the Dem's leaders (Pelosi, etc ..) could blame Trump & his supporters for it. More made up lies from the Democrats. Did you not read that part?
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So, just so we're clear. You are okay with these guys destroying public property and running through Congress with a Confederate flag? Thought you guys had patriotism on lock.
Destruction no. Flag waving yes.

Considering the far lefts stance on the American flag, any of "their" flags is pretty anti American. Especially when it's so easy to tie them to destruction here in America.
Nope. Never said so. I said the Democrats & their FBI chosen squad were the ones that infiltrated the group & started most of it if not all of the destruction .... so the Dem's leaders (Pelosi, etc ..) could blame Trump & his supporters for it. More made up lies from the Democrats. Did you not read that part?

Wow, the level of denial is strong.
Destruction no. Flag waving yes.

Considering the far lefts stance on the American flag, any of "their" flags is pretty anti American. Especially when it's so easy to tie them to destruction here in America.

So, you would be cool with people running through congress waiving Russian flags or ISIS flags?
Ever hear the word .... infiltration. Democrats did just that with the help of their own FBI squad. Democrats do terrible things to America & then turn around & go blame Trump supporters for the terrible things that they are doing to stay in power. It's called lying. You're one of many a big sucker that falls for it hook line & sinker all day each day.

Your allegations of "infiltration" are a fallback to help you reconcile that your people rioted in the US Capitol.

I get it, it's a tough pill to swallow so you glom on to some ginned up excuse to make you feel better about the events that day.

That you'd try to pin January 6th on "the dems and the FBI" and call me a sucker is hilarious to anyone who isn't a trump bootlicker.
It's weird how these people joking about the haters' obsession with Trump keep these comments to themselves when the right obsesses over Trump. Some eople on the right still talk about him all the time and won't let the election go. Why should everybody else? I'll be responding to a right-winger who brought up Trump and then someone will accuse me of him living rent-free in my head.

Horseshoe theory.

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