
Your allegations of "infiltration" are a fallback to help you reconcile that your people rioted in the US Capitol.

I get it, it's a tough pill to swallow so you glom on to some ginned up excuse to make you feel better about the events that day.

That you'd try to pin January 6th on "the dems and the FBI" and call me a sucker is hilarious to anyone who isn't a trump bootlicker.

So sad that you agree w/your people, the scumbag Democrats, who always manufacture (made up lies) such lies about another party just to stay in power so they can keep screwing you over each day is breathless. Believing in them (Democrats) is for losers. Biden is the biggest loser of them all which you continue to worship daily.
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So sad that you deny your people, the scumbag Democrats, who always manufacture (made up lies) such lies about another party just to stay in power so they can keep screwing you over each day is breathless. Believing in them (Democrats) is for losers. Biden is the biggest loser of them all which you continue to worship daily.

Was this your attempt at a troll? Sad.

LOL, the Obama meme's were started due to the absurdity of much of the stuff he was being blamed for. Since most logic clearly escapes you, I don't know why anyone would expect your take on this to be different.
Lol. And you claim to not be a liberal.
I've seen far less intelligent people know when to pack it in, not you though you. You're the rare double threat of low IQ and no self awareness.
For someone that claims to be of superior intellect your about as stupid as they come.

I hate Trump so it's OK if...

I pay more in taxes
Have more government regulations
Pay more for gas
Pay more for everything
More dependence of foreign oil
An open border
A government trying to force people to put something in their bodies
Allies that think we've abandoned them.and think we're cowards
Enabled the Taliban
Left the taliban better equipped than many of our allies
13 dead soldiers
Vaporized a bunch of kids
Did I miss anything? 🤣

Hey but we don't have any mean tweets.

Any you claim to be the smart one. 🤡

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You should probably just reread that post.

And fwiw, you just seem drunk and angry today.
No, I'm fine. I've been playing on my bobcat enjoying a beautiful east Tennessee day. I realize he didn't use the word stupid but he's insinuated it all day. I noticed you never went after him for his attacks on me. I wonder why? (Not really)

I would also counter that you seem to be on a meth trip bit and and schizophrenic today but that's not my style.
No, I'm fine. I've been playing on my bobcat enjoying a beautiful east Tennessee day. I realize he didn't use the word stupid but he's insinuated it all day. I noticed you never went after him for his attacks on me. I wonder why? (Not really)

I would also counter that you seem to be on a meth trip bit and and schizophrenic today but that's not my style.

You attempted to call me stupid. Again, your post in which you attempt to call me stupid stands on its own. You’ve done nothing but lash out and call names through this afternoon. You should probably hang it up today.
You attempted to call me stupid. Again, your post in which you attempt to call me stupid stands on its own. You’ve done nothing but lash out and call names through this afternoon. You should probably hang it up today.
You and sep both have attacked me all day. I'll look back but I don't recall calling you stupid. If I did ill edit. What's weird is this all started when I said Law gator will go to his grave say "but trump" . What did you both use "whataboutism". I thought "whataboutism" were frowned upon here. Oh I get it, it's only when people you disagree with use them. Kinda funny isn't it? Maybe you should log off and do some self reflection.

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