Opec cutting oil by 2 million a day

If only there was a way the US could become energy INDEPENDENT...hmmmmmm.

Those days are probably over, nobody really wants to invest in any of this stuff because governments will just turn around tomorrow and change their minds. Too much risk.

The western world is in serious trouble that probably even if you started today won't be fixed for decades.
Those days are probably over, nobody really wants to invest in any of this stuff because governments will just turn around tomorrow and change their money. Too much risk.

The western world is in serious trouble that probably even if you started today won't be fixed for decades.
And we all say...."Thanks Joe Bidumb".
And we all say...."Thanks Joe Bidumb".

Let's be honest, this has been a problem for quite some time. And governments are doing it at the State and local levels... let alone foreign countries. The same countries fighting the endless wars are the same countries installing anti-energy policies, and have all these mutants running things. Mostly white leadership countries, same ones over and over.

People need to toughen up... the bad times aren't even here yet.
Biden Blasts "Short-Sighted" OPEC+ Cut, Blames US Energy Firms For Surging Pump Prices | ZeroHedge

Watch out MbS... looks like the US is threatening to bring some freedom and democracy your way.

And WTF is an anti-trust bill going to do against OPEC+? Sanction them? Put someone in jail? WTF?

"Higher oil prices, if driven by sizeable production cuts, would likely irritate the Biden administration ahead of US midterm elections," Citi strategists wrote in a note.

Citi strategists appear correct: CNN obtained some of the draft talking points circulated by the White House to the Treasury Department this week and called the prospect of a production cut a "total disaster" and "hostile act."

"There could be further political reactions from the US, including additional releases of strategic stocks," the strategists added. They said the Biden administration could also push forward with an anti-trust bill targeting OPEC.

Anti trust bill LOLOLOL!!!!!

Oh dems are going pay at the polls this fall. Can't wait.
Anti trust bill LOLOLOL!!!!!

Oh dems are going pay at the polls this fall. Can't wait.

Yeah, the whole trying to enforce monetary damages on countries is basically a dead end for the most part. What we are seeing is globalization going bye bye for the white countries (western).

Resources will go where they are appreciated i.e. East.

White countries are involved in a massive suicide pact.

Anti trust bill LOLOLOL!!!!!

Oh dems are going pay at the polls this fall. Can't wait.

Not only is the Biden Administration draining the strategic petroleum reserves but they are draining the strategic weapons reserves as well. This is not good.

And yes, I know you don't start sentences with "not" and "and".
It will be interesting to see how this all goes over the next 2-6 months. As I mentioned a few weeks ago, OPEC+ will have to start cutting supply as the Fed raises, they really haven't even gotten to the QT yet. LoL

So energy is coming off the market to push price up, the Fed is trying to dampen price by raising... every time they raise... OPEC+ cuts i.e. it might have the reverse effect. What millennials, woke people, and climate wackos will probably find out... is they will have to go first as you can't fix this with apps, learning to code, or positive thoughts.

Energy to power modern civilization is planning and executing over a long period of time, decades.

-> A ton of the millennials are going to have to go at some point. <-
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So we'll produce our own and companies will sell it below market rates. I got news... oil companies like high oil prices. Americans love their gas guzzlers and are reticent to cut usage.
You forgot to add, “and the .gov loves the tax revenue generated from the consumption of fossil fuels and doesn’t have any plan to replace that revenue.”
So we'll produce our own and companies will sell it below market rates. I got news... oil companies like high oil prices. Americans love their gas guzzlers and are reticent to cut usage.

To be profitable WTI needs to be $50-$55 per barrel right now it's about $90 so they could stand to ramp up production some. The problem is our government, energy policy is short sighted and swings every 4 to 8 years and discourages long term investment. Not to mention the graft and favorite picking that is done discourages innovation.
It will be interesting to see how this all goes over the next 2-6 months. As I mentioned a few weeks ago, OPEC+ will have to start cutting supply as the Fed raises, they really haven't even gotten to the QT yet. LoL

So energy is coming off the market to push price up, the Fed is trying to dampen price by raising... every time they raise... OPEC+ cuts i.e. it might have the reverse effect. What millennials, woke people, and climate wackos will probably find out... is they will have to go first as you can't fix this with apps, learning to code, or positive thoughts.

Energy to power modern civilization is planning and executing over a long period of time, decades.

-> A ton of the millennials are going to have to go at some point. <-

War Breaks Out As "OPEC+ Takes On The Entire West"

  • Fed hiking rates to crush oil demand and send US economy into recession fast.
  • OPEC+ cutting supply to offset reduced US oil demand and send US economy into recession even faster so Fed is forced to cut rates.

Similar to my pov earlier this morning. The rate hikes are an attempt to cap the increase, OPEC+ is attempting the call the shots.

Fed pivot is possible against a backdrop where oil prices march higher on supply destruction in response to demand destruction as monetary policy is tightened...

Exactly, having the opposite potential intention or reaction.
And we all say...."Thanks Joe Bidumb".
Go back to the first Gulf War. Instead of us turning to more domestic or at least more production in this hemisphere, we doubled down on trying to control Middle East supply. Part of the reasoning for Saddam being upset with Kuwait and the Saudis was because they wouldn't cut production in the late 1980s. Iraq needed higher oil prices in order to support the rebuild and reconstruction of Iraq after the Iran-Iraq War. Kuwait and the Saudis chose to do the bidding of the US. The US needed prices low not just for domestic use, but to help bankrupt the Soviets.
Once the stupid Europeans figure out what the United States did to them, it could be the whole world (minus the United States) sitting at one table.
I just don't understand why these people cannot understand that the days of bullying these sh^thole countries is quickly coming to an end. Now, we will have to engage in honest diplomacy and mutually beneficial relationships.
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Honestly, why should they bend to our needs when we have signalled our intent to move to other sources of energy?

We are backing electric, they are protecting their investments.
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I just don't understand why these people cannot understand that the days of bullying these sh^thole countries is quickly coming to an end. Now, we will have to engage in honest diplomacy and mutually beneficial relationships.
‘The best way to stay at the top is to keep everyone else down.’ Basically the US foreign policy for a while now.
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It’s a toss up of what Joe’s handlers suck at worse:

Afghanistan pull out or Energy/Oil policy

Or getting him off of a stage after a word salad speech.
Yeah, the whole trying to enforce monetary damages on countries is basically a dead end for the most part. What we are seeing is globalization going bye bye for the white countries (western).

Resources will go where they are appreciated i.e. East.

White countries are involved in a massive suicide pact.

The issue with this is that without the west the east doesnt have the money to put those resources to use. Or at least they would face a truly massive retraction as the number 1 and number 2 markets, by dollar amount, disappear.

I would also hope you are a Johnny Depp fan. Because you can say hello to "Pirates of X Sea" about a dozen times. Our navy is even bigger relative to the rest of the world than our economy. And does a crap ton of anti piracy the world over.

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